- Категория: Jokes (continued)
- Passing a parrot
- Passing an exam
- Paul got off the elevator on the 40th floor and
- Paying bills
- Paying in advance
- Paying Rent
- Peanuts
- Pecuniary reasons
- Perfect customer
- Perfectly good eyesight
- Perfectly healthy
- Performance evaluation translations
- Perot corn
- Persistency Act
- Pessimist and a dog
- Pest-by-Modem
- Pet owners
- Phone joke
- Phone joke II
- Phone keeps ringing
- Phone songs
- Photographer works
- Piano
- Pick a starting salary
- Pick Heaven or Hell
- Pillsbury Dough Boy wanted for attempted murder
- Pilot to tower
- Pirate at the local bar discusses his past
- Play doctor
- Play on the words
- Play the Office Game
- Playgirl Rejection Letter
- Playing tabla
- Playing with your mind
- Playtonic relationship
- Please show the I. D
- Pneumonia
- Poem of English
- Poetic justice
- Police chief hates you
- Police officer Christmas
- Policemen in Heaven
- Politically Correct Feminine Terminology
- Politically Correct Santa
- Politically correct seasons greetings
- Polygamy and
- Poor batman!
- Poor Rabbi!
- Pope Dies
- Practical Joke
- Pray hard
- Prescription
- President Carter's joke
- President Clinton and his wife are at the first baseball game
- President Clinton, returning from a campaign stop
- President precedent
- Presidential Election worries
- Prison vs a housewife
- Problems during flight
- Problems from the start
- Process-Oriented God
- Proctologists
- Proctology findings
- Proffessional Acquantance
- Proffessional Terms
- Proffessional Terms II
- Prosecutor: Mr. Clinton, did you have an improper relationship
- Prostitute walks into a bar and asks the barman
- Psychiatric Hotline
- Psychiatrist phone
- Psychiatrist: What is wrong with your brother?
- Psychoanalysis
- Public Statement by the Rev. Jesse Jackson
- Punctuation marks
- Punishment for Gates
- Punishment in hell
- Punishment that fits the crime
- Purchasing a New Bird
- Purchasing new brains
- Purchasing the shoes
- Put it to a good use
- Q & A Iraqi War Jokes
- Qualifying for Heaven
- Question and answer
- Question answer 01
- Question answer 02
- Question answer 03
- Question answer 04
- Question answer 05
- Question answer 06
- Question answer 07
- Question answer 08
- Question is too easy
- Quotes from stupid 01
- Quotes from stupid 02
- Quotes from stupid 03
- Rabbi Stern rides his bike down the road, when
- Rabbi's anniversary present
- Rabbits Ph. D. Thesis
- Radar Gun Error
- Ralph and Charlie where playing the ninth hole at
- Rating Christmas parties
- Reaching the end of a job interview
- Read - it's fun
- Reading time
- Really torrid honeymoon
- Reasons for the Mir Accident
- Reasons to allow drinking at work
- Reasons to stay at work all night
- Recipe for Banana Bread
- Recruiting any and all pilots
- Red shirt
- Redneck wins lottery
- Reducing travel risk
- Refrigerate elephants
- Rejection Letter Reject
- Religious battle golf
- Remember a child
- Remember during wars
- Repetitiveness
- Represent Christmas
- Requesting a three day pass
- Retire Aged Personell Early
- Returning from her vacation
- Review: The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss
- Revised Christmas days
- Reward for goodness
- Reward these soldiers for their work
- Richard Olivier, the son of Sir Laurence Olivier
- Ring, ring!
- Robinson came home in great excitement and said to his wife
- Rolls Royce vs. Yugo
- Room Service
- Royalty and W
- Ru-Ru
- Russia Jokes
- Russians used a pencil
- Sad revelations
- Saddam Hussein calls President Clinton and tells him
- Saddam HUSSEIN of Iraq wanted a special
- Sadie lost her husband almost four years ago and still
- Safe sex
- Safe to appear
- Safe to swim here
- Safest Way to Drive
- Saintly Naivete
- Santa vs. system admins
- Santa's Pet Peeves
- Santas Diversion
- Sarah was a curious thirteen year old girl
- Sarah was reading a newspaper, while her husband was
- SAT score decay
- Save the country
- Save the dead rabbit
- Saving the situation
- Saxophone
- Say anything
- Scared sleeping
- Schick is walking down the boardwalk in Atlantic City
- Scholarly discussion
- Scientists Decode the First Message From an Alien Civilization
- SCUMEX and parmesan
- Seems that the traveling salesman was driving in the country
- Seems this elderly couple went to the clinic
- Selling war insurance
- Seminars for a woman
- Seminars for Men
- Sending out many cards
- Sensormatic
- Serious desease
- Set up hidden cameras
- Seventy year old George went for his annual physical
- Several weeks after a young man had been hired
- Sex on Sabbath
- Sexually active
- Seymour was a good and pious man
- She changed me
- She is better
- Sheep Dog Bra
- Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson are hiking
- Sherlock Holmes and Matthew Watson were on a camping and hiking trip
- Shoe shopping
- Short Christmas jokes
- Short Father Christmas
- Short gender jokes
- Short Irish Jokes
- Short reindeer jokes
- Shortly after being assigned to a new base, a Lieutenant
- Show him your cross
- Showering: Men v. Women
- Sick of the Holidays
- Sidney has a problem with premature ejaculation
- Signs Technology Took Over Your Life
- Silent treatment
- Silly superstition
- Simple Curiosity
- Sister Ann, arent you putting on a little weight?
- Sister Margaret died
- Sister Mary burst into the office of the principal
- Six guys were playing poker when Smith loses
- Six people were on a plane
- Slap Martha Stewart
- Sleeping Beauty, Tom Thumb and Don Juan were having a terrible fight
- Sleeping on the job
- Slight confusion
- Slow golfers ahead
- Small World
- Smart decision
- Snake solves problem
- Sneaky, sneaky
- So at the funeral home, the widow instructs
- So my sister, a natural blond
- So the new conductor addresses the orchestra
- So there were two guys on a roof, pounding nails
- So this guy was out on his front lawn flying a kite
- So this Mexican dude was taking a piss on the side of a building
- So you don not know Jack Schitt
- Soap dispenser
- Social Security Sex
- Soft and Hard
- Software Development Process
- Software Engineering Glossary of Product Terminology
- Soldier stands guard
- Solve Indian puzzles
- Solve the riddle
- Some cows view each day as the last roundup
- Some explaining
- Some fishing terms
- Some horse-play
- Some men go on a hunting trip and separate into pairs
- Some of the most tactful people on Earth are English
- Some of the myths about marriage
- Some people are sitting in a bar
- Some police quotes
- Some practical jokes
- Some problems
- Some professions
- Some relatives
- Some things never change
- Some time after their bitter divorce
- Some time ago Mr. Clinton was hosting a state dinner
- Some very common traits in two drunks
- Someone really stinks
- Southerners are not that stupid
- Space shuttle mission to the Moon
- Spain Jokes
- Speak more precisely
- Speaking of spelling, here is a news bulletin
- Special High Intensity Teaching
- Spell it
- Spelling checker
- Spice Girls Application Form
- Sports entrance exam
- St Peter is standing at the pearly gates one day
- St. Peter meets Mother Theresa at the Gates Of Heaven
- Stacey makes a new friend at school and invites her
- Stagecoach surprise
- Standardized Guide to the Bases
- Staring down from the bench to announce the terms
- State of Arkansas Residency Application
- State of Kentucky 12th Grade Reading Test
- Stay over one night
- Steve is going on an ocean cruise, and he tells his doctor
- Steve, Bob and Jeff are working on a very high scaffolding
- Steven Wright on dogs
- Stock market report
- Stolen Car
- Stop being late to work
- Stop redundancy
- Story about infinity
- Story behind a gun
- Strange headline news
- Strange people are here
- Strategy
- Stress-Relieving Prayer
- Strict school
- Stuck in a plane
- Stuck orgasm
- Student Proverbs
- Students miss a final
- Studly young Romeo and his dimwitted college sidekick
- Studying the twinkies
- Stupid people awards
- Stupid people awards 01
- Stupid people awards 02
- Stupid people fearing
- Stupid people stories
- Stupid people stories 02
- Stupid sports quotes
- Subjects for a date
- Submarine humor & fun
- Sue and Sally meet at their 30th class reunion
- Suffering
- Superglue
- Sweet, Sweet Road Rage
- Swerve to avoid a box
- Tactfullness
- Take her apart!
- Take in a boarder
- Taking the final exam
- Talk to the judge
- Talking on a plane
- Tarantino
- Tarzania
- Tarzania II
- Teaching
- Technology problems
- Telemarketers go away
- Tell about a haircut
- Temperatures and What They Mean
- Ten pounds of pride
- Ten Signs That You're At A Bad Zoo
- Term dictionary
- Test for being drunk
- Test Yourself: Are You a Neanderthal?
- Texan with a new car
- Texan's guide to life
- Thank you for the emails
- Thank you..thank you very much!
- That is ONE!
- That was an insult
- The 70-year-old man sat down in the orthopedic
- The 75 year old man and his young, knockout wife
- The absolved
- The accident report
- The aged patient doddered into
- The ages of man
- The alcohol trouble
- The Amazing Flying Dog
- The American in Hong Kong
- The angry wife met her husband at the door
- The answer to the eternal question
- The approach of winter
- The Army Airborne major was used to harassment
- The astronomy jokes
- The Australian liberal party announced today
- The Australian way
- The Bachelor Diet
- The bachelor's diet
- The bad news and the good news
- The bank manager was in the final stages of hiring
- The Barber Shop
- The barber was finishing a haircut
- The baseball demands
- The best book on elephants
- The Big Horse Race
- The Big Scare
- The blind date had not been all that great and
- The blind daters had really hit it off and
- The boss called one of his employees into the office
- The Cat's Chalkboard Assignments
- The Cesium song 01
- The Cesium song 05
- The Cesium song 06
- The Cesium song 07
- The Cesium song 08
- The Cesium song 09
- The Cesium song 10
- The Cesium song 11
- The Christmas diet song
- The CIA was recruiting for a top secret assignment
- The clerk showed the man the store's most expensive perfume
- The College Food Chain
- The Colonel's Order
- The Company Commander and the 1st Sgt, were in the field
- The company president called the chief security guard
- The company sergent is briefing the recruits
- The complaint letter from Judi
- The congregation was sitting and waiting for the preacher
- The Cop Quiz
- The copy machine handout
- The corporate boat race
- The cost of a brain
- The couple was dining out when the wife noticed
- The crowded store
- The crusty old managing partner finally passed away
- The customs of an Irishman
- The daughter of an Indian chief visits his doctor
- The dean of women at an exclusive girl's college
- The definition of a phallic symbol
- The definition of sex
- The dentist was called away from the dinner table to
- The Diet
- The difference
- The Director of the Scottish Tartans Museum
- The District Attorney requested all the robbery victims to
- The doctor had just completed his examination
- The doctor looked at the woman who had come to him
- The doctor looked benignly at the woman who had come to him
- The dog and the butcher
- The double-sided truth
- The duffer muffed his tee shot into the woods
- The Eighteen Bottles
- The Engineer had just returned from a week long seminar
- The engineer's terms
- The essential difference
- The evils of marijuana
- The external organs of a body were fighting over who should be boss
- The Feline Diet
- The first client
- The first engineer calls out to the other
- The first Jewish woman President is elected
- The first time I went to a drug store to buy condoms
- The first time in the gay bar
- The Fisherman
- The following statements were found on patient charts
- The Frenchman and the Italian
- The fruit cake recipie
- The fucking lights
- The general went to the doctor for a physical
- The Gift
- The girl knelt in the confessional and said
- The golf course
- The good and the bad
- The Grade 1 concert is fast approaching
- The guide to wife translations
- The guy considered himself lucky to have been able
- The guy leered at the babe at the yacht-club
- The hamster and the pollar bear
- The handsome American strode into a department store in Paris
- The Hat
- The Hazards of Kicking the Cat
- The headmistress at a girls prep school
- The Hillary's room
- The hit-and-run
- The homework schedule
- The horny midget found that the best way
- The hotel Astor had hired a new bus driver
- The hunting season
- The Ideal Date
- The Importance Of Correct Punctuation
- The Insensitive Gorilla
- The Irish Virus
- The Italian colonel had his brigade arrayed in full parade
- The job security quiz
- The LAPD, The FBI, and the CIA are all trying to
- The last day working
- The last request
- The last words
- The Latest Breaking News on the GoodTimes Virus
- The Letter D Pulls Out
- The limousine was taking the beautiful raven-haired model
- The little boy comes home from school and asks mom
- The little sexy housewife was built so well
- The local courtroom was packed as testimony began
- The local priest came across Paddy who had
- The Lone Ranger and Tonto are riding through
- The Lone Ranger and Tonto had been riding down
- The man approached the very beautiful woman
- The man at the bar, deep in private thoughts of his own
- The manager of a large city zoo was drafting a letter to order
- The Master Chief was inspecting the barracks
- The math one liners
- The Math Test
- The meaning of life
- The medical student was asked four reasons
- The medics rush Mr. Steinberg to the hospital
- The Microsoft waiter
- The minister of a small congregation was about to start his sermon
- The Missionary and the Chief
- The modest man is in the hospital for a series of test
- The modest young lass had just purchased some lingerie
- The Mohel
- The moon shown silver on the waters of the lake
- The Mortitian arrived at the Mortuary one morning
- The most evil thing
- The most painful part
- The Mother Superior in the convent school was chatting with
- The Naming of Jesus
- The new Ensign was assigned to subs
- The new Euro language
- The new hooker had just finished her first trick
- The new metro cop pulled a speeder who was
- The new Vicar was up early one Sunday morning
- The newly divorced woman
- The newly married man came home from work
- The Night Before Christmas, Legally Speaking
- The office happenings
- The office playboy had a date with an attractive young woman
- The only true religion
- The only wish
- The organization is like a tree full of monkeys
- The other day my house caught fire
- The owner of a small crossroads store in South Carolina
- The painful execution
- The Pentagon decided one day that there were to many
- The people are waiting
- The Perfect Worker
- The Plumber has arrived
- The politician was sitting at his campaign headquarters
- The Pope calls a meeting of all the cardinals
- The Pope took a philosophy professor
- The Pope vs. the Queen
- The Pope was working on a crossword puzzle
- The power of the press
- The Preacher buys a Parrot
- The Presidential watches
- The pretty secretary came in late for work the third day
- The price is right
- The priest was preparing a man
- The pro football turkey
- The Procrastinator's creed
- The Purchasing power
- The Rabbi
- The real treasure
- The reason for running
- The recent announcement that Mattel and the producers of Baywatch
- The results of statistics
- The Reverend
- The right rhythm
- The right way to ask a question
- The Ring
- The Road to Heaven
- The room was full of pregnant ladies
- The room was full of pregnant women and their partners
- The sales girl at the Pink Pussycat boutique
- The same thing
- The scene is a dark jungle in Africa
- The seven dwarves were in Rome
- The seven kinds of passionate women
- The Seven Most Important Men in a Woman's Life
- The Smiths were unable to conceive children and decided
- The South Takes a Cue from Oakland
- The Speed of Time by Age
- The story of a very short man
- The Story of Micro and Mini
- The Story of the Bats
- The story with the moral
- The strength of youth
- The stupid questions
- The subway car was packed
- The talking dog
- The teacher hears Little Johnny cussing, and
- The Teacher tells the class they are going to play a game
- The third wish
- The three survivors of the shipwreck
- The three wise men are out for a stroll when
- The three wishes
- The train has failed
- The Twelve Politically-Correct Days of Christmas
- The Video Rental
- The wall clock
- The way he died
- The wealthy, high-society mother of a 17-year-old girl
- The wedding is offno on!
- The wife coyly tried to explain her purchase of a new
- The wife is not speaking to me
- The wife is not speaking to me 1
- The wife of an older man is distraught
- The Wisdom of Youth Never give up
- The woman is on fire
- The woman's secret
- The work qualification test
- The WORK virus
- The world's greatest hypnotist is on stage
- The wrong definition
- The Y-Zero-K Problem
- The young couple was engaged in a most affectionate
- The young immigrant couple had just left the
- The young lady admired the watch in the store window
- The young lady entered the doctor's office carrying an infant
- The Young Mans Big Mouth
- The young playboy took a blind date to an
- The young playboy took a blind date to an amusement park
- The young wife was in tears when she opened the door
- The Yugoslav news agency Tanjug reported that
- The Yuppette had risen to executive level
- The Yuppie showered a Yuppette with gifts for over a month
- The Zen Master is visiting New York City
- Their true intention
- There are four basic types of chain letters: I
- There are three friends, a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead
- There is a child molester and a young boy walking through
- There is a guy from ARMY driving from West Point to the Meadowlands
- There is this French couple, sitting up talking, when
- There once was a baby elephant and a baby turtle
- There once was a young Irish woman who went to confession
- There was a boy who worked in the produce section of the market
- There was a costume party at a mental hospital
- There was a drunk man walking down the street turning
- There was a farmer, sitting on the front porch of his house
- There was a gorilla sitting in a tree by a river
- There was a guy sitting at a bar having a beer
- There was a husband and his wife sitting next to a drunk
- There was a little old man who had a bit of a speech impediment
- There was a man and woman traveling along in their car
- There was a young man in the Air Force
- There was an airplane full of a shipment of Pepsi flying over Africa
- There was an exhibitionist who was taking a trip on an airplane
- There was an old married couple that had happily
- There was an old woman on a plane, sitting next to the Pope
- There was once a wide mouth frog
- There was once an aspiring veterinarian who put himself through
- There was this boy in high school that was what you would call
- There was this fisherman that always had a good day fishing
- There was this hooker who mistook a Salvation Army man for
- There was this little boy who went in the whore house
- There was this man in a mental hospital
- There was three guys, one with a rubber
- There were 2 old-maid sisters, both virgins
- There were these three blokes sitting on the high cliffs
- There were these three morticians talking about
- There were three Eskimos in Alaska
- There were three men who were lost in the forest
- There were two bulls, a young one named George and an old one named Sam
- There were two cats that enjoyed running together
- There were two people having sex in a car
- These Chickens want Books
- These two country boys, brothers, were knocking around
- These two guys are car pooling home from work one day
- These two guys had just gotten divorces
- These two men were cellmates at state penitentiary for
- These two sperm were swimming around
- They are stopped by the police
- They're Boasting about Race Records
- Things that are difficult to say when you are drunk
- Things That Sound Dirty At The Office But Are Not
- Think quality
- Thirty minutes before a plane landed, its cabin lights came on
- This 60 year old woman was walking along 5th Avenue
- This black guy is walking along a beach when
- This bloke went into a nightclub and saw a gorgeous
- This businessman was walking down the sidewalk
- This dog loves people
- This elderly woman passed a police van loading up the girls
- This fellow comes to confession
- This fellow dies and goes to heaven
- This fellow was screwing his best friend's wife when he
- This fundamentalist Christian couple felt it important to
- This guy and a blonde are making out feverishly
- This guy and his girlfriend are fighting
- This guy is walking through Chinatown and sees a building
- This guy unexpectedly got the day off and decided
- This guy walks in to a bathroom
- This guy walks into a psychiatrist's office with a
- This guy was driving down the highway
- This guy was walking down a street in Texas and this hooker
- This guy was walking down the sidewalk when he sees a Little Johnny
- This is not meant to be crude
- This is one smart dog
- This is what should happen to ALL CATS!
- This lady who was living in New York City had to get back
- This man goes into the doctor with his
- This man got his prescription for Viagra
- This man was having problems getting it up to have sex
- This man was sitting quietly reading his paper
- This old lady walks out of the grocery store and goes to the bus stop
- This old man in his eighties got up and was putting on
- This one New Yorker married himself a southern gal
- This pill allows you to fly
- This redneck gets married, but on his wedding night
- This rich couple were going out for the evening
- This snow plow driver from North Dakota
- This woman goes into a dentist's office
- This woman has her bridge club every Thursday night
- This young lady, a flighty young thing
- Three acurate guesses
- Three altar boys are standing in the snow with
- Three calamities
- Three Chinese daughters
- Three college roommates - two females and a male
- Three college students were rapping about who they'd like to be
- Three couples wanted to join a church
- Three cowboys are sitting around a campfire
- Three different kinds of sex
- Three elderly men are at the doctor for a memory test
- Three engineering students were gathered together
- Three envelopes
- Three girls died and were brought to the gates
- Three guys are discussing women
- Three guys are in a plane, lost in fog
- Three guys enter a disabled swimming contest
- Three guys go into a bar, one in a wheelchair, one
- Three guys were sitting in a bar talking
- Three guys were talking one morning about how drunk they were
- Three Hells Angels are sitting at a table in a transport
- Three Irish women were discussing their respective mates
- Three little old ladies, sitting on a park bench
- Three men die in a plane crash and are waiting
- Three men: a philosopher, a mathematician and an idiot
- Three mice are sitting in a bar talking
- Three newly incarcerated convicts are discussing how they
- Three nuns went to a cucumber stand in an open market
- Three nurses all decided to play a joke on the doctor
- Three people were standing on the Titanic
- Three Reform Rabbis were in a terrible auto wreck
- Three religious truths
- Three vampires go to a bar
- Three wishes
- Three women were sitting at a bar having a few drinks
- Three women, A brunette, a redhead, and a blonde
- Thrown out of the lab
- Tim Shandy stepped into the Warm Spoon, a popular Galway tavern
- Time for the wedding
- Time to quit
- Titicons
- To stop her 4-year old daughter from biting her nails
- Today we are niggers
- Together again
- Tom had this problem of getting up late in the morning
- Tombstone Epitaph In a Ribbesford, England, cemetery
- Tombstone Epitaph VI
- Tombstone Epitaph X
- Tommy goes into a confessional box and says
- Too good to be true
- Too much attention
- Too much speeding
- Tooth Fairy Form Letter
- Top 15 Household Pet Dishes
- Top 9 Signs Your Cat Has Learned Your Internet Password
- Top ten signs that you are too drunk
- Top ten things not to say on your Anniversary
- Totally messed up
- Tough job
- Tough sell
- Tour near glaciers
- Touring South America
- Touring Washington
- Towards and Away
- Traditions
- Translations for men
- Trapped within a bog
- Travel in the far east
- Travel with a horse
- Traveling on the train
- Tribute to the Marines
- Trombone
- Trouble with the car
- True love
- True stupid stories 01
- True stupid stories 02
- Truly stupid people 01
- Truly stupid people 02
- Trumpet
- Trust a fellow officer
- Trust thy friend
- Try to catch the rabbit
- Try to explain women
- Try to get some rest
- Tuba
- Twelve days fast food
- Twelve days Microsoft
- Twenty men die and go to heaven
- Two AA batteries
- Two afroamericans
- Two Amish women were out picking potatoes in the field
- Two attorneys went into a diner
- Two bags
- Two bikers were talking at a bar
- Two blondes are passing by a fruit shop when
- Two blondes observed in a parking lot trying to unlock
- Two blondes were facing each other with a lake between them
- Two blondes were walking down the street
- Two blondes were walking through the woods
- Two buddies get together and decide to
- Two buddies were sharing drinks while discussing their wives
- Two car salesmen were sitting at the bar
- Two children are in a doctor's waiting room
- Two confirmed bachelors sat talking
- Two couples decide to spend the weekend away together
- Two doctors found themselves on the beach in Hawaii
- Two drunks sitting at the rural area bar, lamenting
- Two drunks walk into a bar
- Two dwarfs pick up two hookers and take them to their hotel rooms
- Two eagles are soaring along when suddenly
- Two ears burned
- Two elderly Southern women are sitting on the veranda
- Two English sheep in a field
- Two executives working in the garment center are having lunch together
- Two friends met after a long time, and chatted about
- Two friends were out drinking
- Two friends, an Italian boy and a Jewish boy
- Two groups of computer experts were set up in order to
- Two guys are driving through Texas when
- Two guys are out hunting deer
- Two guys go hunting
- Two guys were discussing popular family trends
- Two guys were out hunting, but they weren't
- Two hookers were on a street corner
- Two Irish lads had been out shacking up with their
- Two Irishmen are sitting in a bar
- Two Irishmen were digging a ditch directly across from a brothel
- Two Italian construction workers
- Two Kentucky hillbillies happened to meet in town
- Two law partners leave their office and go to lunch
- Two male flies are buzzing around
- Two mates are having a chat over a beer
- Two men and one woman
- Two men are approaching each other on a sidewalk
- Two men are discussing the age old question
- Two men are discussing their lives
- Two men met at a bar and struck up a conversation
- Two men went to the desert for a vacation
- Two men were boasting to each other
- Two men were stopped by a TV newswoman
- Two men were talking to each other about how pussy tastes
- Two men were walking along the street when
- Two men were walking through the woods when
- Two missionaries in Africa get apprehended by a tribe
- Two mountain bred GIs were wandering the streets
- Two neighbors had been fighting each other
- Two newlyweds are riding in the back of a limo
- Two nuns are walking down an alley
- Two nuns go to a restaurant to have dinner
- Two nuns turn up at the fruit market and ask the veggie man
- Two nuns were driving alone out in the boonies
- Two old friends are having coffee when the first woman says
- Two old friends from the mountains ran into each other
- Two old women were sitting on a bench waiting for their bus
- Two plus two is five
- Two Polish guys are discussing one's upcoming wedding
- Two Polish guys went away on their annual hunting expedition
- Two poor kids were invited by a rich kid
- Two priests and a rabbi were discussing what portion of the
- Two retired ladies were on the beach in Miami
- Two Scotsmen met 25 years after their last get-together
- Two senior couples are walking along, wives in front
- Two storks on a nest, a father stork and baby stork
- Two story house
- Two Texan are sitting in a small town bar
- Two Tourists
- Two truck drivers arrive in front of a tunnel
- Two very successful psychoanalysts occupied offices
- Two wives were airing their troubles
- Two young brothers, aged 5 and 6
- Two young girls were talking about their sex lives
- Two zebras are talking and one asks the other
- Types of computer viruses
- UCLA Computer Club
- Uh-Oh!!
- Ultra dumb people 01
- Ultra dumb people 02
- Unable to attend the funeral after his father died
- Understanding Your Paycheck
- Unique job interviews
- University courses for men and women
- US Attorney General John Ashcroft was visiting an elementary school
- Useful Phrases to Know When Travelling in the Middle East
- Useful work phrases
- USENET Parody
- Using nails on a house
- Ventriliquist cowboy walks into town
- Very dangerous mix
- Very depressed man
- Very different children
- Very fair payment
- Very stupid musician
- Viola
- Violin
- Virginia Jokes
- Virus Alert
- Visit the barber
- Visiting a lawyer for advice, the wife said
- Visiting the modern art museum, a lady turned
- Vocals
- Want some chicken?
- Want some of this?
- Warning labels
- Washington Jokes
- Watch out!
- Watch real baseball
- Waxing eloquent on the sins of the flesh
- We have new babies
- Wear your collar backwards
- Wedding preparation guidelines
- Weight Control
- Weill and Mahoney had started with only five hundred dollars
- Welfare applications
- Welfare office
- What a Woman Really Needs
- What and who am I
- What are the five reasons for not wanting to be an egg?
- What causes arthritis?
- What causes people to have arthritis
- What day is today
- What do you get when you cross a Jehovah Witness and an atheist?
- What does it tell you?
- What dreams mean
- What God looks like
- What is a breathanalyzer?
- What is intelligence
- What is the difference between a English actuary and
- What is the most damaging food?
- What is the time
- What is your name
- What kind of a woman
- What kind of clothes are there?
- What makes a man think he is so great?
- What marketing is
- What Not to Name Your Dog
- What thin people do
- What to do
- What to do to get golf
- What will communism be like when perfected?
- What would you do if you had a condum with a hole
- What's on your back
- What's the definition of the perfect woman?
- What's the difference between an Italian mother and a Jewish mother?
- When asked for her occupation
- When I stopped the bus to pick up little five year old Chris
- When I was in jr. high, all I wanted was a girl with big breasts
- When Joe's wife ran away with his car, his money and
- When the boy started Kindergarten, the teacher
- When the formal private briefing of the attractive new teacher
- When the man first noticed that his penis was growing longer
- When the old golfer died, Peter met him at the gates of heaven
- When the staff goes out after work, they talk about
- When this guy heard that the Pope was coming to town
- When white man found this land, Indians were running it
- Where am I, Cathy?
- Where are my pyjamas?
- Where are the fingers?
- Where are we going
- Where are you from
- Where is my goat
- Where is the French border?
- Where is this place
- Where lawers come from
- Where to send him?
- Which of the following does not belong?
- While attending a spelling session in school one day
- While enjoying a drink with a mate one night
- While in prison OJ had another prisoner join him in his cell
- While out one morning in the park, a jogger found a brand new
- Who am I?
- Who has the right of way when four cars approach
- Who invented sex
- Who is doing the work around here?
- Who keeps saying those things
- Who signed the Declaration of Independence?
- Who will you choose?
- Who's got a bigger crotch?
- Who's got my pen?
- Why do they bury lawers 26 feet underground?
- Why English is tough
- Why I Fired My Secretary
- Why Jim Smith Lost His First Love
- Why lawyers should never ask a witness a question
- Why study?
- Why you should learn to use algebra
- Why'd the monkey fall outta the tree?
- Wife comes home to find the old man
- Wife comes home to find the old man shagging the dog
- Wife-taming method
- Willy's rolling down the hall of a retirement home
- Winnie The????
- Wise cooking advice
- With a puzzled look on his face
- With all the recent talk of cloning
- With best intentions
- Without a Christmas bonus
- Without a horn
- Woman is on a bus
- Women seeking men
- Women's instructions
- Women's translations
- Wooden back houses
- Work Environment
- Work this out
- Working in the garden
- Working on the road
- Working With The FBI
- Workplace insanity
- Worries while flying
- Wrong card
- Wrong floor
- X(mas) Files episode
- Yesterday
- Yet another dorm joke
- Yo momma's so fat
- You are from Canada
- You are in trouble
- You can come out now
- You can eat your plate
- You Can Never Really Go Back
- You can't bring that dog in this bar
- You could Feed them a lot Faster
- You know you are in a small town
- You might be a redneck if 01
- You might be a redneck if 02
- You might be a redneck if 03
- You might be a redneck if 04
- You might be a redneck if 05
- You might be a redneck if 06
- You might be a redneck if 07
- You might be a redneck if 08
- You might be a redneck if 09
- You might be a redneck if 10
- You really do stink