Studly young Romeo and his dimwitted college sidekick
Studly young Romeo and his dimwitted college sidekick are perched near the front door of the girls’ dorm. Several plain Janes walk by as the two converse.
Then a Sharon Stone look-alike emerges from the dorm and saunters past. Romeo turns, smiles, and – barely audibly – inquires, “Tickle your ass with a feather?”
The young beauty – startled by what she thinks she heard – exclaims “What?!” Without missing a beat, Romeo repeats “Typical nasty weather?” “Oh,” she demures, “yes,” and goes on her way.
More young lovelys walk by and the scene is repeated. “Tickle your ass with a feather?” “What?” “Typical nasty weather?”
Finally, Romeo delivers his line, “Tickle your ass with a feather?” and his prospect stops, smiles and invites him up to her room.
Now the sidekick, alone, having paid close attention, decides to try this remarkable new technique. A likely prospect comes near. The sidekick leers and blurts out, “Cram a feather up your ass?”
Shocked, the girl spins around and slaps him, to which he replies, “Looks like rain!”

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