- Категория: Jokes (continued)
- Chemistry song 06
- Chemistry song 07
- Chemistry song 11
- Chicago Jokes
- Chief is at a wedding
- Childhood Diseases
- China blames America
- Chinese Fire Drill
- Chinese learned this
- Chinese plane crash
- Chinese Subtitles
- Choking a girlfriend
- Christmas and Hanukkah Merger
- Christmas Cookie Ingredients
- Christmas downsizing
- Christmas flavor
- Christmas tree better
- Christopher Columbus was the best deal maker in history
- Cinderella was all set to go to the huge ball
- Civil War Era humor
- Clarinet
- Clean Humor about the Irish
- Clean Ireland Humor
- Clean Jokes about Ireland
- Clean Jokes about the Irish
- Clean St. Patrick's Day Humor
- Clean St. Patrick's Day Jokes
- Clearing it
- Clinton administration medical dictionary
- Clinton at the parade
- Clinton country
- Clinton died and was standing at hte Pearly Gates
- Clinton is in Heaven
- Clinton is vacationing
- Coach Bowden was talking to the newest player
- Cock fights
- Collection 01
- Collection 02
- Collection 03
- Collection 04
- Collection 05
- Collection 06
- Collection 07
- Collection 08
- Collection 09
- Collection 10
- Collection 11
- Collection 12
- Collection 13
- Collection 14
- Collection 15
- Collection 16
- College bar joke
- College cafeteria joke
- College dining halls
- College Dorm
- College dorm joke
- Comments of Hillary
- Commercial
- Commiting suicide
- Communication problem
- Competition of a nation
- Computer Ease!
- Computers are female
- Condom Modelling Rejection
- Confession
- Confessions
- Confuse Santa Claus
- Confuse traffic signs
- Constantly complaining
- Constipation problem
- Controlling your spouse
- Conversation over dinner
- Convince these students
- Cop wants an excuse
- Corporal Conroy needed to use a pay phone
- Corporate lingo list
- Could be here sooner
- Could you please pass
- Count till fifty
- Counting cars
- Course evaluation results
- Course of action
- Cow joke
- Cow on Train Tracks
- Cowboy Joe was telling his fellow cowboys back on the ranch
- Crazy people talk
- Crazy Sally went to her gynecologist
- Creative wording
- Criminal steals lumber
- Crocodile is longer
- Cronin goes to a barber shop to get his hair cut
- Crossing the border
- Crying about life
- Daddy is going to war
- Darling, she whispered after they had finished making love
- Dating hints for men
- David Copperfield is doing his magic show and
- Daylight Savings Time Reform
- Days after Christmas
- Deadly disease
- Deaf lady in trouble
- Dealing with a lawyer
- Dealing with criminals
- Dealing with trouble
- Dear Darling Son and That Person You Married
- Death of Energizer Bunny
- Death row sing along
- Debate about the box
- Decoding the speeches
- Dedicated geologists
- Definite laws of golf
- Definition of Outdoor Barbecuing
- Definition of Programmer
- Delivering a baby
- Democrats on the front porch
- Democrats Republicans
- Describe professions
- Deserted island golf
- Detective report
- Devil herself
- Diary Entries
- Dictionary for women
- Dictionary of Musical Terms
- Did you hear about the hillbilly
- Did you kill the victim?
- Did you know that a man is made up of many useless things?
- Different Treatments
- Dihydrogen Monoxide: The Invisible Killer
- Dinner prepared by kids
- Discovering too late that a
- Disprove this!
- Divine Right
- Divorce decision
- Do the math
- Do this while driving
- Do you have an email address?
- Doctor and engineer
- Doctor's compliment
- Does the person that you want to get even with drink red wine?
- Dog washing
- Dogs and Light Bulbs
- Doing the Dishes
- Doing the right thing
- Don't arrest the judge
- Don't do while driving
- Don't Forget!
- Don't say this to a cop
- Don't you just hate it when
- Donald MacDonald from the Isle of Skye
- Double vodka
- Down in Florida, two widows were talking and one asked
- Drawing God
- Drilling is mine!
- Drink fault-finding guide
- Drinking and driving
- Drinking too much
- Driving home very drunk
- Driving school test
- Drunk orders himself a beer
- Dumb intercourse
- Dumb Intercourse II
- During a recent publicity outing
- During an Army war game
- During her annual checkup, the well-constructed miss
- During the Six Day War
- During the Vietnam war
- During the World War II
- During training exercises, the lieutenant driving down
- During World War II, Hitler told his Nazis to rape
- During WW II an American soldier
- Duties will be the same
- Ear
- Early withdrawals
- Earn it hiking
- Earth science answers
- Eat oysters
- Ed and Ted met for the first time in twenty years
- Ed, Ted and their wives went out camping one weekend
- Education for women
- Edward walks out of a bar
- Egg joke
- El delicatassen
- Elderly romance
- Elephants III
- Elephants IX
- Embarrassing moments
- Emery fixed himself a Scotch while waiting
- Emily Sue passed away and Bubba called 911
- Employee want ad translations
- Engineers are cooking
- England Jokes
- English horn
- English is a Crazy Language
- English language
- English vs Ebonics
- Englishman in Australia
- Entering into Heaven
- Entering Pearly Gates
- Equal positive integers
- Equally qualified
- Europe English
- Evaluating employees
- Every damn time
- Every precaution
- Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody
- Everybody's doing it
- Everything we need
- Ex-Police car joke
- Examination to Qualify for Entrance to UNLV
- Excerpts from the rural life
- Excess holiday cheer
- Excuse TO smoke
- Excuses for refusing dates
- Expands up to six times its size
- Expresso and a syringe
- Eye sex
- Fair business
- Fake two dollar bill
- Falling down
- Family sex
- Famous people
- Famous Quotes
- Farmer John had just walked into the local watering hole
- Farmer Petrovich is whipping and slapping his sheep
- Father of my children
- Father, mother and son decide to go to the zoo one day
- Father! Father! An old man on crutches walked up
- Fatherly feelings
- Feline Physics Laws
- Feminist Fairytale!
- Fidel dies and goes to heaven
- Fight against CO2
- Fighting Irish Humor
- Final wish
- Finally, a worthy pyramid scheme!
- Find out about the cat
- Finding a Chinese Jew
- Finding the right answers
- Finish overseas tour
- First Aid Course
- First grade romance
- Fishing on the lake
- Five fingers
- Fixing an ailment
- Flavoured condoms
- Flies
- Florida Jokes
- Fluffy died
- Fly the Friendly Skies in your Cessna
- Fly, baby, fly!
- Flying in the plane
- FOcking island
- Fokkers
- Following a bitter divorce
- Following some duty overseas, the officers
- Food quotes and quips
- Footless Parrot
- For all animal lovers out there
- For his birthday, Little Johnny asked for a 10 speed bicycle
- For his wife's birthday party, a doctor ordered a cake
- For many years, the border between Poland and Russia
- For their 25th wedding anniversary
- For three years, the young attorney had been taking his
- Foreplay
- Forget your daughter
- Forgot to pedal
- Fortunate ingenuity
- Forty years later, they're in the same hotel room
- Four married guys go golfing
- Four nuns arrived at the gates of heaven
- France Jokes
- Fred Dingaling
- Free drinks for everyone
- Free meat
- French guy in England
- French horn
- Fresh out of business school, the young man answered a want ad
- Freudian Slip
- Frivolous Old Gal
- From a Southwest Airlines employee
- From Boyfriend to Husband upgrade
- From one of Tom Clancy books
- From the life of the insane
- From Us
- Fucking bear
- Fucking onion
- Fulfilling a promise
- Fun fun fun worry worry worry
- Fun on first day of class
- Fun with telemarketers
- Funny Humor about the Irish
- Funny Jokes about the Irish
- Gas-tank joke
- Gates gets punishment
- Geek's thanksgiving
- Generous woman
- Geologist's song 01
- Geologist's song 02
- Geologist's song 03
- Geologist's song 04
- Geologist's song 05
- Geologist's song 06
- George Costanza's Tips for Working Hard I
- George Costanza's Tips for Working Hard II
- George Costanza's Tips for Working Hard III
- George Costanza's Tips for Working Hard IV
- George Costanza's Tips for Working Hard IX
- George Costanza's Tips for Working Hard VI
- George W. Bush walks into a restaurant in Washington DC
- George W. Bush was passing through an airplane terminal
- Georgia Jokes
- German Jokes
- German Shepard on Golf Course
- Get married
- Get me off this train
- Get me something cheap
- Get money to heaven
- Get some of this
- Getting a new deputy
- Getting in an accident
- Getting married
- Ghost sex
- Ghosts in a White House
- Gift for a birthday
- Gift tombstones
- Gimme some aspirin!
- Girlfriend Tech Support E-mail
- Giuseppi walks into work, and he says
- Give us new missiles
- Giving Cats Pills
- Giving sad news to a troop
- Giving very odd excuses
- Go to the hospital
- God created woman, and she had 3 breasts
- God Meets Bureaucracy
- GOD will save me
- Going crazy with confusion
- Going further
- Going Out
- Golf in the Bedroom
- Golf lessons
- Golf with older man
- Golfing
- Gone fishing
- Good advices
- Good business
- Good fortune
- Good girls vs. Bad girls
- Good news
- Good news and bad news
- Good sales strategy
- Good to be chemist
- Gosh, what a pun!
- Got a second?
- Got something
- Government cow types
- Grandma Saperstein and Grandpa Rabinowitz are sitting
- Grandpa and Little Johnny are sitting
- Granny's gender
- Grave music
- Great roof
- Great School Humor
- Great to be a woman
- Greatest way to learn English
- Greetings prospective White House interns!
- Groundhog Day
- Guilty
- Guilty as sin
- Guitar
- Guns in a garden
- Guy goes to hell and is met by the devil
- Hair on my chest
- Hair spray
- Haircut before a trip
- Happens
- Happens all the time
- Harry and his wife are driving in the country
- Having the equipment
- Having to face the facts
- He is a very fast drinker
- He is a very Smart Dog
- He is extremely drunk
- He's drunk at the bar
- Heated passions
- Heavenly golf
- Help the lonely child
- Helpful advice for travellers
- Helping this country
- Henry Ford dies and goes to heaven
- Her father was very angry when he heard that his
- Her senses swam. She was overcome with an aching desire
- Here is a free puppy
- Here is this guy who really takes care of his body
- Hick computer terms
- High military ranks
- Hillary Clinton goes to her doctor for a physical
- Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, and Bill Clinton are sitting
- Hillary goes to heaven
- Him and Her
- Hiring an accountant
- His And Hers ATMs
- History of lawyers
- History of the United States
- Hoffman and Puscas are bombed, watching the St. Patrick's
- Holiday Party Festivity Levels
- Holmes investigation
- Homework
- Honesty is the best policy
- Honeymoon II
- Honeymooned!
- Hope never dies
- Horses at the Race
- Horses painting
- Household items
- Household physics
- How about a bridal?
- How all careers end
- How Army policy began
- How can you tell?
- How did they know that Jesus was Jewish?
- How did you do that??
- How do you catch a polar bear?
- How do you tell if you're making love to a nurse
- How does physics save lives?
- How far to the town
- How is that dentist
- How long?
- How many does it take?
- How many managers does it take to change a light bulb?
- How many people work in the U. S. government?
- How many women with PMS does it take to
- How odd?
- How old am I?
- How Shit Happens
- How Smart Are You?
- How to be a Good Wife
- How to call penis
- How to Catch a White Elephant
- How to dump a guy
- How To Give Your Cat a Pill
- How to Hunt Elephants - Comp Sci Style
- How to hunt elephants - Lawyers style
- How to Hunt Elephants - Math style
- How to Hunt Elephants - Sales Style
- How to Hunt Elephants - VP Style
- How to Keep an Idiot Entertained for Hours
- How to look busy
- How to speak Southern
- How to the nearest land!?
- How to write a paper
- How you made money
- Howard had felt guilty all day long
- Humor about Drunk Irishmen
- Humor about Drunk Irishmen 2
- Humor about Dumb Irishmen
- Humor about Ireland 2
- Humor about Irish Marriages
- Humor about Irish Pubs
- Humor about Leprechauns
- Humor about St. Patrick's Day
- Humor about the Irish
- Humor about the Irishmen
- Humor about the Stupid Irish
- Humor relating to Iraq
- Hungry Snake
- Husband always insisted on making love
- I am afraid of that tarmac
- I am called a Princess
- I am looking for a job as a consultant
- I bet I can bite both of my eyes
- I didn't get any money this time
- I don't owe anything for this drink
- I get so drunk that I imagine things
- I got a great Polish joke
- I had it all
- I have a magical dancing duck
- I have a question
- I just ate those peanuts
- I just did all of that
- I just needed to use your car
- I just trying to be helpful
- I know I haven't known you very long and I shouldn't be asking
- I know you were drunk yesterday
- I like monkeys
- I often feel guilty
- I own the fastest car
- I saw a pen in a store the other day
- I think I try a nicer approach
- I trust you that you paid
- I trying to prove a point
- I walked up to a really pretty girl at the bar
- I was in the restaurant yesterday
- I was out with one of my best drinking buddies
- I was shopping at our local supermarket
- I was walking down an alley last night
- I will put it into your ass
- I wrote it!
- I. R. S. phone calls
- I'll use my Seeing Eye Dog
- I'm at the wrong bank
- I've never understood why women love cats
- IBM Memo about Peripheral Replacement
- Ice fishing
- Ideal Seduction Line
- Ideas About Science
- Identifying wasted time
- Idiots on the computer
- If
- If Apple made toasters
- If for every rule there is an exception
- If lawyers are disbarred and clergymen defrocked
- If men had PMS, what would happen?
- If Microsoft made toasters
- If Scientists Wrote Nursery Rhymes
- If she went out with me
- If Wang made toasters
- Important thoughts
- Impossible final exams
- Impressing the others
- Improve writing
- Improving fry cooking
- In a crowded city at a crowded bus stop
- In a long line of people waiting for a bank teller
- In a small Southern town there was a nativity scene
- In case of emergency
- In jail
- In Jerusalem, a female journalist heard about a very old Jewish man
- In light of the latest allegations against President Clinton
- In the back woods of Arkansas
- In the land of Oz
- In the midst of a veritable downpour
- In the Sex Ed class the teacher says
- Incredible golf ball
- Indian chief's signal
- Indians and Polish
- Indicator
- Instructions on how to Colect a Beaker of Cats Urine
- Instrument Flying guide for Animal Lovers
- Insulting to women
- Interesting facts
- Interesting things about Monica Lewinsky
- Interviewing crazy
- Investigating a Terrible Accident
- Investment counselor
- Iraqi TV Guide
- Iraqi vs. American
- Irish Laughs
- Irish marriage jokes
- Irish math
- Irish Pub Jokes
- Irish Religion Humor
- Irish religion jokes
- Irishman declares war
- Is it over yet?
- Is it worth it?
- Is that your horse
- Is there a doctor in the house?
- Is There a Santa Claus?
- Is this her first?
- Is this really your third marriage?
- Is Windows a Virus?
- Isaac and Hymie were two tired Brooklyn businessmen who
- It finally dawned
- It finally happened
- It goes way back
- It had taken him several months, but the executive vice president
- It has been determined that having sex before
- It is all in the money
- It is worth trying
- It is written in the Bible!
- It just kills my appetite
- It seems that Abe and Morey, two salesmen for an advertising agency
- It seems that Ken Starr is dropping all sexual allegations
- It was a somber day in Disney land
- It was during a ball at Andrew Jackson country home
- It was laying limp in my hand
- It was obvious
- It was the age when knighthood was in flower
- It was their first date
- It's 11 o'clock
- It's a ladybug
- It's a sin
- It's Christmas time and Paddy and Shaun decided to go look
- It's dark in here
- It's in the Bible
- It's not a big deal, but it feels good
- It's not a dance
- Jack goes to the doctor and says
- Jake is 85, and he gets married to a 16-year-old
- Japan Jokes
- Japan's quality standard
- Japanese management lecture
- Jealousy
- Jerry Falwell was seated next to President Clinton
- Jessica was toweling off in front of the mirror
- Jesus and Moses are sitting in a boat fishing
- Jesus has risen
- Jewish fly
- Jill, a love-starved spinster, was so desperate
- Jim will not be in today. He is not feeling himself. Thank you
- Joe, the neighborhood chronic borrower
- John and David were both patients in a Mental hospital
- John and Mary visit their pastor for marriage counseling
- John receives a phone call
- Johnny missed his final exam due to the flu
- Joint sentence
- Jokes about Dumb Irishmen
- Jokes about Ireland 2
- Jokes about St. Patrick's Day
- Jokes about St. Patricks Day 2
- Jokes about the Fighting Irish
- Jokes About The Irishmen
- Jokes about the Stupid Irish
- Jokes of science 01
- Jokes of science 02
- Jokes of science 03
- Jon left for a two day business trip to Chicago
- Jon starts working in a lumber camp
- Jones came into the office an hour late for the third time
- Jones is checking out of a hotel when suddenly he has to
- Jones is driving past the state mental hospital
- Jonesie The Great Lion Hunter
- Juan comes up to the Mexican border on his bicycle
- Judge: Is there any reason you could not serve
- Judi and a brunette were discussing their boyfriends
- Judi was bored with driving her BMW
- Judy arrived home from her date
- Juggler, driving to his next performance
- Jump out of the plane
- Junk mail
- Just after Lorenna Bobbitt brutally cut off her husband's
- Just before takeoff one day, a flight attendant
- Just cut your hair first
- Just in case
- Just like my wife
- Keeping a high profile in an office
- Keeping their marriage together
- Kick-ass sermon
- Kind of awkward
- Kiss meyeah!
- Knock Knock Christmas
- Know your numbers
- Knowing that the minister was very fond of cherry brandy
- Laboratory Rabbit Freedom
- Lady Di is welcomed at the Pearly Gates by St. Peter
- Landing at a hidden military base
- Language Trends of the Future
- Large Indian mural
- Larry, a local football star, is jogging down the street
- Larry's barn burned down, and Susan, his wife, called
- Last Lunch
- Last minute requests
- Last Request
- Last winter I was laid up at home with the flu
- Late one night, a mugger wearing a ski mask jumped
- Late one night, little Johnny woke up to the some loud noises
- Latest software technology
- Latex factory
- Launch the missiles
- Lawyers are greedy
- Lawyers arrive in Japan
- Lawyers as lab rats
- Lawyers on a jury
- Learn it by listening
- Learning
- Learning Chinese terms
- Lease nuclear weapons
- Leprechaun Jokes
- Let him dig
- Letter from Daughter to Parents
- Letter to a shrink
- Letters to a landlord
- Lick that
- Life is cruel
- Life Science Final Exam
- Lightbulbs for dinner
- Like father like son
- Like to screw?
- Little girl walks into the bathroom
- Little Gregory wakes up in the middle of the night
- Little Harry walks in the bathroom and sees his mum with
- Little Johnny - being logical
- Little Johnny catches his parents going at it
- Little Johnny comes home from school
- Little Johnny goes into a pharmacy and asks
- Little Johnny had become a real nuisance
- Little Johnny is coming home from the store
- Little Johnny sat playing in the garden
- Little Johnny tried out for the school play
- Little Johnny walked into his dad's bedroom
- Little Johnny walks into his primary school
- Little Johnny was 7 years old, and like other boys his age
- Little Johnny was assigned a paper on childbirth
- Little Johnny was in class again
- Little Johnny was in his math's class one day
- Little Johnny was late for school
- Little Johnny's dad is sitting on the side of the bed
- Little Johnny's mother decided to give
- Little Johny being literal
- Little Lucy was playing in the garden when she
- Little Melissa comes home from first grade and tells
- Little Mermaid
- Little Red Riding Hood is skipping down the road
- Little Red Riding Hood was walking through the woods
- Little Tommy is at the zoo on a school visit
- Looking for a monkey wrench
- Looking to buy a frog
- Looks bad on resume cover letters
- Lorena Bobbitt had just cut off her husband's penis
- Lost all my luggage
- Lost in a balloon
- Lost In The Snow
- Love handles
- Love Jesus
- Love thy Neighbor
- Love to Death
- Lunching with English friends at the time of her husbands reverement
- Made for each other
- Made in Canada
- Magician and Parrot
- Magnussen goes to a marriage counselor and says
- Main Vice President
- Majority rules
- Make a last request
- Making a bet at a bar
- Making bets
- Man and a Policeman
- Man and wife at the zoo
- Man goes to a fancy dress party
- Man goes to see the Rabbi
- Man needs a turkey
- Man takes the ferry home from work
- Man v. cat
- Man walks into a supermarket and buys
- Manly signs
- Many moons
- Marine biology researchers have developed a new method
- Marines and the police
- Marital Sex
- Marriage Anonymous
- Marriage counseling
- Marriage quotes 01
- Marriage quotes 02
- Marriage quotes 03
- Marriage quotes 04
- Marriage quotes 05
- Marriage quotes 06
- Marriage quotes 07
- Marriage quotes 08
- Marriage quotes 09
- Marriage quotes 10
- Marriage quotes 11
- Marriage quotes 12
- Marriage quotes 13
- Marriage quotes 14
- Marriage quotes 15
- Married life is very frustrating
- Marrying and divorcing in Heaven
- Mary came back from lunch to find that all the girls
- Mary Jane was walking on the beach one day and saw a shark
- Mary was having an affair during the day while
- Mary went to Jill's place to tell her about a horrible
- Matering checking
- Math is turning bad
- MD Qs and As
- Mega moron awards
- Men writing the rules
- Merry Christmas law
- Merryied talk
- Mexican Smuggler
- Michael Jackson and the doctor
- Mick was sitting at the pub telling his mate Harry
- Microsoft Addresses Justice Department Accusations
- Microsoft Christmas
- Microsoft Market Penetration
- Mike Mooney, a Yankee was driving through the south
- Mike Tyson gets out of jail and proceeds to do what
- Miles Dobson was away from home on business
- Military Christmas
- Military traditions
- Military work rules
- Millennia Year Application Software System
- Miracle Bra Alternative
- Mirror, mirror
- Missed the word
- Missing person
- Mistakes on a resume
- Mister Smith rushes into the maternity ward
- Misunderstanding terms
- Misunderstood people
- Mixed football jokes
- Modems beat women
- Mom and Dad were trying to console Susie
- Mom, can little girls have babies?
- Moon Mission
- More dorm jokes
- More neighborhood jokes
- Morris was passing a small courtyard and heard voices
- Moshe Rabbinowitz decides to join the country club
- Mother-in-law burial
- Motivations
- Mr. Dewey was briefing his client, who was about to
- Mr. Greenberg was an illiterate immigrant
- Mr. Horntoot admitted to his wife that he was feeling
- Mr. Jones had hired a new secretary
- Mr. Richman has 3daughters
- Mr. Schwatrz goes to meet his new son-in-law to be
- Mr. Smith was brought to Mercy Hospital
- Mrs. Grednik, who was a little on the chubby side
- Mrs. Jones is having her house painted
- Mrs. Ogden went to her doctor and said
- Mrs. Prussy
- Mrs. Schmidlap hires a maid with beautiful blonde hair
- Murphy's Combat Laws
- Murphy's Travel Laws
- Music
- Musician
- My brother-in-law went to the doctor complaining of
- My car
- My daughter is your reward
- My dog ate my homework
- My friend is dead!
- My girlfriend is out in the car
- My heart set
- My men are very brave
- My name is Brown
- My twenty cents
- Mysterious picture
- N equals N plus one
- Naming the kids
- Naming your child
- Nancy Reagan is the celebrity contestant on Password
- Nature of Hell
- Nauseous sex
- Ne day, this man, Tony, died
- Need extra cash
- Need fishing licenses
- Neighborhood jokes
- Nerds versus jocks
- Never say it at work
- Never talk to the Parrot
- New airbag in Detroit
- New Chemical Element Discovered
- New element was found
- New FAA inspections
- New family driver
- New Lumberjack
- New Miranda rights
- New officer efficiency
- New person in prison
- New rules for bowling
- New scientific theories I
- New scientific theories II
- New scientific theories III
- New scientific theories V
- New scientific theories VI
- New scientific thoeries IV
- New son-in-law
- New University Promos
- New weapon Chicken Gun
- New Words
- New York Jokes
- Newly issued alcohol warnings
- News from Washington
- News war
- Newspaper typing error
- Next time you think your hotel bill is too high you might want to consider this
- Next US President
- Nice, but rough
- Nine things Dogs don't Understand
- No change
- No children yet
- No exit
- No pressure
- No symptoms
- Noah And Today's Ark
- Noisy stuff
- Not a foot
- Not raising hogs
- Not so fast!
- Not that my wife is the jealous type or anything, but one day at work
- Not this time
- Nothing but the truth
- Nothing changed
- Notice
- Now he's in trouble
- Nuns First Hot Dog
- Nutrition Information
- Obamacare
- Obey the speed limit
- Old farmer Johnson was dying
- Olympic condoms
- On a cross-country bus trip
- On a first date, a guy escorts a girl home and asks
- On a very cold night
- On a very cold winter night
- On Christmas morning a cop on horseback
- On his way out of church, Frank stopped at the door
- On inheritance
- On Jeopardy
- On preparing to return home from an out of town trip
- On the airplane on his way back to Rome, the Pope was
- On the night of a Halloween costume party a couple were having
- On the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary, Billy-Bob
- On the steps of this church two pan handlers were doing their daily
- On their first night to be together
- On their honeymoon night
- On their wedding night the husband was so self
- On visting a seriously ill lawyer in the hospital
- Once in a medieval times, there was a King who was getting sort of
- Once some boys got together to play poker
- Once the club duffer challenged the local golf pro
- Once upon a time a man was walking down
- Once when Mary was young her school
- One afternoon this young girl knocked on the door of her neighbor
- One balmy evening in Rome the Pope decides to
- One day a blonde went into Wal-Mart and
- One day a guy and a girl were making out in the guy's car
- One day a guy was driving with his 4-year-old daughter
- One day a housewife was going about the usual business
- One day a lady went to the doctors office
- One day a little boy over heard his parents
- One day a little girl was sitting and watching her mother
- One day a man was walking in the woods when he got lost
- One day a priest went into a public bathroom to use the stall
- One day a teacher was teaching religion
- One day an older fella was in for a checkup
- One day Clinton goes to the bathroom
- One day in class the teacher
- One day in the Garden of Eden
- One day Mongo is in his back yard digging a hole
- One day Pete was complaining to his friend
- One day shortly after the birth of their new baby
- One day the different parts of the body
- One day the teacher decides to play an animal game
- One day there was an indian chief who was constipated
- One day there were these three boys walking down
- One day this old man was about to have sex with a young girl
- One day, a diver was enjoying the aquatic world
- One day, a young cowboy and a cowgirl decided
- One day, little Billy comes home from kindergarten
- One doc operated on a person for a hernia
- One fall day Dave was out raking leaves when he noticed
- One liners about food
- One man came to gun shop
- One neighbor says to the other
- One night a man heard howls coming from his basement
- One night the Norse god Thor was feeling a bit horny
- One night, a police officer was stalking out a particularly rowdy bar
- One night, an 87-year-old woman
- One night, as a couple lay down for bed
- One night, at the lodge of a hunting club
- One of my first evenings back from overseas
- One summer evening during a violent thunderstorm
- One Sunday morning the pastor noticed little Johnny
- One Sunday, the pope REALLY wanted to play golf
- One year at halloween the governor was giving a costume party
- Only in America
- Only once
- Opposites attract
- Oprectomy
- Optimist vs. pessimist
- Orange penis
- Orchestra
- Ordering fast food
- Organ
- Orgasmic Problems
- Osama Cave Memo
- Oscar was an unlucky sap. Having just spent megabucks on a skydiving
- Ought to be hung
- Our bright childhood
- Our next targets
- Out All Night Drinking
- Out of the Greek Myths
- Outhouse joke
- Over my dead body!
- Over the counter
- Pack your bags honey!
- Paddy Murphy had just returned to Ireland from a holiday
- Paddy wanted to be an accountant, so he went
- Paddy was picked up on a rape charge
- Pappy sees Elmer walking with a lantern and asks
- Paralyzed
- Partial Dosage