Lost in a balloon
Two hobbyists get into their balloon for an excursion. After a while, the wind unexpectedly picks up, and the balloon goes out of control. The two balloonists, with great effort, manage to keep the balloon stable, upright, and away from power lines. But they are lost. With more effort, they get the balloon near the ground. While floating over a country road, they see a man walking below. One of the balloonists calls down to him:
“We’re lost! Can you tell us where we are?”
The man thinks for a while, looks down, looks up, looks down again, stares into space for a minute, and then cries out:
“You’re in a balloon!”
The wind picks up, and the balloon floats off. After a moment, one balloonist says to the other:
“That man must be a manager.”
“Three reasons. First, he took a long time to answer. Second, he was perfectly correct. Third, his answer was perfectly useless!”

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