Irish Pub Jokes

Murphy won the Irish Sweepstakes $100,000.00 and was on a long holiday in America. He went on a bus tour and traveled for hours and hours through desert country and oil fields.

Murphy said, “Where are we now?”

The guide said, “We’re in the great state of Texas.”

“It’s a big place,” said Murphy.

The guide said, “It’s so big, that your County Kerry would fit into the smallest corner of it.”

And Murphy said, “Yes, and wouldn’t it do wonders for it!”

Spanish singer Julio Iglesias was on television with British TV host Anne Diamond when he used the word ‘manyana’. Diamond asked him to explain what it meant. He said that the term means “maybe the job will be done to-morrow, maybe the next day, maybe the day after that. Perhaps next week, next month, next year. Who cares?” The host turned to Irishman Shay Brennan who was also on the show and asked him if there was an equivalent term in Irish. “No. In Ireland we don’t have a word to describe that degree of urgency.”, replied Brennan.

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Irish Pub Jokes