Dennis: I just got a new Sales job and I’m going to be Making a bundle.
Irene: What kind of job is it?
Dennis: I’ll be Working strictly on commission. The more I sell, the more I earn. It’s a great opportunity for someone with my talents in sales.
Irene: I know you’re great at sales and I’m sure you’ll do well, but you can’t Coast in a job based on commissions. You’ll have to work really, really hard.
Dennis: I’m not worried. For me, selling is Second nature. I’ll Barely have to lift a finger and the Profits will Come rolling in.
Irene: But isn’t your Paycheck going to be In flux all the time? You’ll never know what your Take-home pay will be.
Dennis: There’s no Cap on how much I can earn, so The sky’s the limit.
Irene: That’s not exactly what I meant. Some weeks, it may be hard to live on what you earn, don’t you think?
Dennis: What? Do I hear A hint of uncertainty in your voice?
Irene: No, it’s just that…
Dennis: Put your mind at ease. I could Sell ice to Alaskans!
Topic at the airport.
Символы сша на английском.
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Working on Commission