Andre: Mom, I can’t believe I got Stuck with Matt as my Lab partner in school.
Josephine: Matt? Do I know Matt?
Andre: He lives down the street. He’s Mr. and Mrs. Kemp’s son. He’s a total Airhead.
Josephine: Oh, I remember him. He was at your birthday party.
Andre: Yeah, when I was nine years old! That guy is so Dense!
Josephine: Matt was always considered a Gifted child. He seemed bright and Perceptive, and his parents thought he’d Go far.
Andre: If you ask me, he’s Not all there. Every time I look over at him in class, he’s Staring off into space. He doesn’t seem like the kind who’s very Quick on the uptake.
Josephine: You know, some very Smart people can seem Spacey to the rest of us. Maybe he’s just thinking when he stares off into space.
Andre: Maybe. All I know is that my science grade is Riding on How we do in the lab, so I hope he Shapes up.
Josephine: I’m sure he will. And even if he doesn’t, you’re Clever enough to still do well in the class.
Andre: Thanks, Mom, but I wouldn’t Bet on it!
Проект мой любимая игрушка на английском.
My profession is a teacher.
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