Talking About Prices
Rosalba: Can you believe these Prices? I know we’re in a Recession, but the cost of everyday Necessities shouldn’t Skyrocket overnight.
William: I think it has something to do with the Shortage of Produce. I don’t know why I’m surprised that stores like this one try To gouge customers At the drop of a hat. I guess it’s Par for the course – anything to make a little extra money.
Rosalba: You said it! Even when there’s a good Supply, the prices are never Dirt cheap. Any savings the stores get are never Passed on to the customers.
William: I have a mind to stop buying fruits and vegetables until the prices go down.
Rosalba: You mean a Boycott?
William: Yeah, I won’t eat any fruits and vegetables until these high prices come down.
Rosalba: How long do you think you can Keep that up?
William: I don’t know, but let’s find out!

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