Competing in Business

Yoko: We used to be The only game in town. Now we have three Competitors and they are Luring away our customers.

Cedric: I know. We need to do something before we Go under. What about Price matching?

Yoko: Our prices are already Competitive. If we want to focus on price, we’ll need To undercut our competitors.

Cedric: Slashing prices would be really hard on our Profit margin, but these are Desperate times. What do you think of a Two-for-one deal? We could offer it For a limited time.

Yoko: We can do that if lowering our prices doesn’t work. I’m thinking we could go in another direction. What do you think about offering Freebies or Gifts with purchase?

Cedric: I think that’s a good idea. The more Frills we include the better our services look. What kind of frills?

Yoko: I’m not sure, but the more Bells and whistles the better.

Cedric: And if all of this doesn’t work?

Yoko: Then we’ll be Up the creek without a paddle!

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Competing in Business