Every day I feel more and more Overwhelmed by email. Once I turn on my computer and look at my Inbox, I Get sucked into reading and responding to Emails.
I have a personal email account and an email account for work. With my work email, I try to take an organized Approach. I scan each email looking at the Sender and Subject line, and Delete the ones I don’t need or want. With the remaining ones, I Archive some, File others for future reading, and write replies to the rest. I’ve set up Templates for the Routine emails, but spend a lot of time Drafting personalized responses to the rest. That takes up a large part of my workday.
When reading my personal email, I take my time. Yes, I get the usual junk that slips through the Spam filters and get newsletters I keep meaning To unsubscribe from, but people who have my personal email address are mainly friends and family.
When I’m done and I look at the clock, I’m often surprised at how much time I’ve spent Processing email. That’s time I could have been spending working on my Celine Dion impression.
“Near, far, wherever you are I believe that the heart does go on…”
Диалог на английском с переводом в кафе.
1500 английских слов.
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Reading and Processing Emails