I was waiting patiently for the furniture store To deliver my new bed. I was given a Window of 1:00 to 4:00. At 4:50, the Delivery truck pulled up in front of my house.
Zuly: Hello.
Danny: Hi! We’re from Reliable Furniture. We’re here to deliver your new bed.
Zuly: I thought you’d never get here. The new bed should go in the bedroom. Follow me. You’ll Haul away the old bed, right?
Danny: We will for an Extra charge.
Zuly: I thought that was included in the price of the new bed.
Danny: Let me check the Paperwork. Oh, I guess it is. We’ll take away the old bed and bring in the new one.
Zuly: Okay, this way. You can bring the bed right in here.
Danny: Okay, here you are. We’re all done.
Zuly: Aren’t you guys going to remove the Bubble wrap, Assemble the pieces, and Set up the bed?
Danny: We can, but it’ll cost extra.
Zuly: I’m sure that’s included in the price of the new bed.
Danny: Let me check…Okay, I guess we’ll set it up. We’re just Running a little late, that’s all. We got a late start from the Warehouse this morning and it’s already past Quitting time.
I wasn’t too happy, To say the least, but I Was at their mercy and didn’t say anything. But as soon as they’re finished, I’ll be ready To give them a piece of my mind!
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Having Furniture Delivered