Eating Spoiled Food

Ryan: It’s really nice of you to make dinner for me. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a home-cooked meal.

Corrie: I’m happy to do it. First, though, let’s see what you have in your fridge.

Ryan: I have tons of food in there.

Corrie: What is that? It looks Moldy.

Ryan: Oh, that’s cheese. I’m sure it’s still good, if we just cut off the moldy parts.

Corrie: Okay, but look at the “best if used by” date. This Expired three months ago. What about this?

Ryan: That’s hamburger. Maybe you could make some spaghetti with meatballs.

Corrie: Not with this Rotten meat. It’s definitely Gone bad. Can’t you tell by the Discoloration? Meat isn’t supposed to be gray.

Ryan: I guess you’re right. I bet this milk isn’t any good either, is it?

Corrie: Nope. It’s gone Sour, and You might as well throw out this bread, too. It’s Stale.

Ryan: Isn’t there anything you can use in this kitchen?

Corrie: Well, this oil is Rancid, this butter looks Tainted, the vegetables are Wilted, and even your Canned goods are Rusted. You do have a lot of food in your kitchen, but it’s been here a long, long time.

Ryan: I don’t like things To go to waste.

Corrie: I guess not. I’m still willing to make you dinner, but we’ll have to do some shopping. My cooking isn’t the best, but I don’t usually give people Food poisoning, and I don’t want to start now.

Ryan: Okay, okay, give me a list and I’ll go to the market.

Corrie: And while you’re there, I’ll see what I can do about getting rid of all of this Hazardous waste!

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Eating Spoiled Food