Angela: Wait! I need to put Sunscreen on Davy before he goes to the game.
Juan: It’s not sunny today. He doesn’t need sunscreen.
Angela: And here are four water bottles to make sure he stays Hydrated and doesn’t get Heat stroke.
Juan: One of the other parents is bringing drinks for the kids. It’s fine. We don’t need that.
Angela: Make sure Davy Warms up and Cools down before and after the game. I don’t want him To strain or Sprain anything.
Juan: The coach makes sure they do that. Are you done?
Angela: And here’s a First-aid kit in case he Skins his knee or gets any other Scrapes. We don’t want to risk Infection.
Juan: The reason we signed up Davy for Organized sports is that all of this is taken care of. There’s even a Certified athletic trainer at each game, one of the parents.
Angela: But the other kids can be so Rough. He comes home with Bruises all the time. I can’t stand seeing him hurt.
Juan: Do you want to come to the game? You can see for yourself that everything is fine.
Angela: How can I watch Davy running into danger? I’d want to run onto the field and save him.
Juan: You’re right. It’s better that you stay here. If you did that, your son would never Live it down!
Holidays and celebrations in great britain.
Run into примеры.
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Child Sports Injuries