I went to bank this morning. Instead of standing in line to talk to a Bank teller, I decided to use an ATM, but it wasn’t working.
Robin: Excuse me. Could you help me? I’m trying to use this ATM machine, but it stopped working after I put in my PIN and it won’t give me back my ATM card.
Bank clerk: It looks like the machine is Jammed. Step over to this Teller window and I can help you. What Transactions are you trying to make?
Robin: I want to make a deposit, transfer some money between my Checking and Savings accounts, and make a cash Withdrawal.
Bank clerk: I can make those transactions for you.
Robin: Okay. Let me take this check out of the Deposit envelop. And what about my card?
Bank clerk: I’ll call the Technician and she should be able To retrieve it for you.
Robin: Thanks a lot. I guess that the machine just doesn’t like me.
Bank clerk: It’s not you. Those machines just Act up sometimes.
Robin: In that case, I won’t Take it personally.
Diana the people's princess.
Topic about new zealand.
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Using an ATM