Dating a Younger Man/Woman

Tadashi: Was that Diane you were talking to Just now? Helen: Yeah, do you know her? Tadashi: Diane and I Used to work together. She looked happy. Helen: Yeah, she’s dating a new man.

Reading an Obituary

Ivy: This is so sad! Stephan: What is? Ivy: I’m reading the Obituary for one of my favorite actors as a child, Mr. McBoo. He had Quite a life. Stephan: Oh, yeah? Ivy: Yeah,

New Year’s Party

I walked into the office and saw Rob with his Head down on his desk. I Tapped him on the shoulder. Christy: You look like you had a good New Year’s. Rob: Yeah, too

Getting Your Pocket Picked

Lenny: Wait a second. Where is my Wallet? Anita: It’s not in your back pocket? Lenny: No, it’s in none of my pockets. My Pocket’s been picked! Anita: It must have happened when our

The Big Game

On my way home from class, I Ran into Cara, a Schoolmate that I have not seen in a few months. I stopped to say hi to her. Mark: Hey Cara! How’s everything? Long

Having Trouble Sleeping

Luis: So, how are the Newlyweds doing? Stevie: Oh, we’re great. I’m just a little tired. Luis: Well, that Goes with the territory, right? Stevie: No, that’s not what I mean. Patrick has been

Shopping for Shoes

Clerk: Can I help you find something? Alissa: Yes, I’m looking for some Dress shoes for work, something with a low Heel. Clerk: Have you tried this Brand? They make really comfortable shoes. This

Proofreading a Document

Russell: Hey, LeeAnn, you were an English Major, right? LeeAnn: Yes. Russell: Could you Proofread this for me? LeeAnn: I don’t know. Do you want me to proof it for Content or for Structure?

Internet Pranksters Win a Taylor Swift Concert for School for the Deaf

Attention, denizens of the Internet: As countless ex-boyfriends could have told you, Taylor Swift always gets the last laugh. Thousands of Facebook users banded together in recent weeks to hijack a contest in which

Shopping for Warm-Weather Clothes

Spencer: I would love to see you in this Outfit: a Tank top and a Miniskirt. Lauren: No way! I wouldn’t look anything like that Mannequin. I’m too shy and I’d Make a fool
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