The Time Nikola Tesla Paid for His Hotel Room With a “Death Ray”

Nikola Tesla was, of course, a vastly accomplished scientist and inventor. His inventions include the Tesla coil and electric oscillators, and he also developed technologies that were eventually found in X-rays, the radio, and

The First Use of ‘to Google’ on Television? Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Today I learned that, beyond the success entailed for Joss Whedon-late of – directing fame-it has a nerdly milestone of its own. According to Charles Arthur in his book Digital Wars, the first use

From WWII to Syria, How Seed Vaults Weather Wars

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault entrance, lit up by fiberoptics the night after its opening. Svalbard, the Norwegian island halfway between Europe and the North Pole, is a place of extremes. It’s the northernmost

On the Bucket List: Swimming with Pigs in the Bahamas

Pigs aren’t usually considered the cuddliest of creatures, but when they’re swimming in the ocean-as opposed to splashing in the mud-they’re downright adorable. Want to practice your backstroke alongside Wilber? Head down to “pig

Steve Jobs’ Fruitarian Diet Lands Ashton Kutcher in the Hospital

Ashton Kutcher spent time in the hospital after going on one of Steve Jobs’ infamous fruitarian diets to prepare for a new role in a biopic featuring the late Apple CEO. Ashton Kutcher spent

Trees recognize roe deer by saliva

Trees are able to distinguish whether one of their buds or shoots has been randomly torn off or has been eaten by a roe deer. In the case of roe deer browsing, they activate

George Orwell Got a B – at Harvard, When Michael Crichton Submitted an Orwell Essay as His Own

In his 2002 memoir, Travels, Michael Crichton took his readers back several decades, to the early 1960s when, as a Harvard student, he tried an interesting little experiment in his English class. He recalled:

Phantom of Heilbronn

The Phantom of Heilbronn, often alternatively referred to as the “Woman Without a Face”, was a hypothesized unknown female serial killer whose existence was inferred from DNA evidence found at numerous crime scenes in

Driver pays 1 million RMB for ‘lucky’ 88888 license plate, gets pulled over 8 times in one day

After spending just 30,000 RMB ($4,370) on his new vehicle, a driver surnamed Liu decided to splurge on his license plate, spending 1 million RMB ($145,705) on one with 5 lucky number 8s, hoping

Italian teenagers get €500 ‘culture bonus’

From November 3rd, every Italian teen celebrating their 18th birthday before December 31st 2016 can claim €500 from the government, to spend on cultural items. Every Italian resident from the class of 1998 –
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