Victor: Humph!
Rosaria: What’s the matter?
Victor: I just got back from my first Yoga class and I was Sorely disappointed.
Rosaria: I’ve heard that yoga is very good Low-impact exercise And helps with Stress relief. It’s supposed to Calm the mind and Strengthen the body.
Victor: Yeah, right.
Rosaria: It sounds like you had a bad experience. Did you have a bad teacher?
Victor: The teacher was fine. I learned about Mantras and Chakras, I learned Breathing techniques , and I tried a few basic poses.
Rosaria: That all sounds right from my own experience, Such as it is. But, there are a lot of different types of yoga. Maybe you need to try a different kind.
Victor: The problem wasn’t the kind of yoga being Practiced. It was the class.
Rosaria: Were the Mats uncomfortable?
Victor: No.
Rosaria: Was it too Cramped?
Victor: No.
Rosaria: Then what was the problem?
Victor: There was too much Testosterone in the room.
Rosaria: You mean you were in a class with just men?
Victor: Yeah.
Rosaria: And that was a problem?
Victor: Do you think I would be taking a yoga class if I weren’t trying to meet women?!
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Practicing Yoga