Dale: I didn’t know you read that Forum. What’s your Screen name?
Jessie: It’s «jessiegirl,» but I don’t Post very often. I like to Lurk and follow the different Threads, but I prefer to Keep a low profile.
Dale: Really? I post all the time. I just put my new web address on my Profile, and check this out. It’s my new Avatar.
Jessie: That’s cool. I’ve been trying to figure out how To upload a picture for my avatar. Are there instructions in the FAQs?
Dale: I’m not sure, but I can show you how to do it. Have you been following the thread about the presidential campaign?
Jessie: Yeah, I had been…until today.
Dale: Why’s that?
Jessie: I stopped reading when this one guy, «bigman,» started to Flame everybody, saying that anyone who didn’t agree with him is an idiot.
Dale: Oh, really?
Jessie: Yeah, he started posting Replies, writing in all Caps and Letting people have it. He Quoted people Out of context and attacked them. What a jerk!
Dale: Yeah, that guy sounds like a jerk.
Jessie: Hey, what did you say your screen name is?
Dale: Never mind.
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