My company decided that it was time to Remodel our offices and I was Put in charge of getting Bids from contractors. The trouble was, I had heard Horror stories From friends who did remodeling and I was worried about finding a company that would get the job done On time and Under budget.
No doubt there are many honest contractors, but some of the people I talked to had experiences with Shady companies. Some of them weren’t On the level about being able to meet deadlines and some tried To get away with murder when they Billed for a Job. It was important that I found a company that was On the up and up.
I got bids from six companies and Checked all of their References. In the end, I picked a company that had done work for one of the biggest companies in the city. They seemed to be the best and our company hired them. I have my Fingers crossed that everything will go Smoothly.
Кристофор колумб на английском.
My profession is designer.
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Hiring a Contractor