Going into the Military
Chantelle: Attention! Aren’t you supposed To salute?
Robert: You’re not my Superior officer. Stop Goofing around. I’m busy.
Chantelle: You’re Packing already? You don’t need To report to duty for two days. Are you afraid they’ll think you went AWOL?
Robert: I just want to be prepared. Now, leave me alone so I can finish packing.
Chantelle: Am I Dismissed? Maybe I want To enlist, too? I think I would look good in Camouflage make-up and fatigues.
Robert: Being in the military is No laughing matter. Do you really think that the most desperate Recruiter would want you?
Chantelle: That’s not very nice. I have as much Discipline as you do…about some things. You may find yourself in a Foxhole with me someday.
Robert: Whatever Deployment you’d get, I’d make sure I’m on the other side of the world!





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