Eating Unhealthy Foods

Helen: So, what’s for lunch?

Gabe: Since you were nice enough to spend your Saturday morning Helping me out, I’ll make sandwiches for lunch. I know it Doesn’t sound like much, but I Make a mean sandwich.

Helen: That sounds good, but you’re not going to use those Cold cuts, are you?

Gabe: I was. Why?

Helen: Those are Processed meats made with Additives and a lot of Sodium – definitely not what you’d want to put into your body.

Gabe: I eat these kinds of cold cuts all the time.

Helen: You shouldn’t if you don’t want to eat a lot Saturated fat.

Gabe: Okay, how about if I make us salads.

Helen: Not with those Greens. Unless they’re Organic, they’re full of Pesticides and Chemicals.

Gabe: [sighs] All right, how about if I make us healthy Smoothies?

Helen: Only if you use only fresh fruit. Bottled juices are full of High-fructose corn syrup. Yuck!

Gabe: I’ve got a great idea.

Helen: What?

Gabe: You pick the restaurant and I’ll buy you lunch.

Helen: I Don’t want to put you to any trouble.

Gabe: It’s no trouble at all. [Said Under his breath] I’d do anything to get you out of my kitchen!

The room of my dream.
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Eating Unhealthy Foods