Luigi: What do you think of this new Email program?
Selma: I don’t know yet. I just started using it. The Interface is pretty Intuitive, but I haven’t figured out how To sort my Inbox by date.
Luigi: That’s easy. Let me show you. All you have to do is hit one of these buttons and it’ll sort automatically.
Selma: Oh, I see. Let me try To compose a message. I’ll Cc: myself and I’ll Bcc: you to make sure it goes through. It looks like if I don’t want to send it right away, I can save the message as a Draft. If I do send it, does it save a copy?
Luigi: Yes, it should. Refresh the page and it should show up in “Sent mail.”
Selma: Oh, yeah, there it is. Let’s see, I can also Archive messages or mark them as Junk or send them straight to trash. How do I add Contacts?
Luigi: You can put contacts into your address book by Dragging an email address into your “contacts” folder, like this.
Selma: Okay, one more thing: I want to set up Spam filters and some other filters To block unwanted emails.
Luigi: You can do that in this window, see? Whose emails are you blocking?
Selma: Yours, if don’t stop Forwarding all of those stupid jokes every day.
Luigi: And Deprive you of the fun? Never!
Diana the people's princess.
Topic about new zealand.
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Using an Online Email Program