Melissa: You’re looking at the next Overnight sensation. I’m Uploading my video right now, and by this time tomorrow, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s had over 100,000 Views. It’s going To go viral.
Frank: You and your Amateur videos. Who is going to watch something with such low Production value?
Melissa: You’d be surprised. I have my own Channel on YouGube, with over 5,000 Subscribers.
Frank: Are you sure that’s not because your Username is AngelinaJolie?
Melissa: No, it’s because people enjoy my videos, mark them as their Favorites, and Share them with their friends. Word of mouth – that’s why I’m so Popular.
Frank: But what about the Comments on your videos? How many of those are positive and how many are negative?
Melissa: I don’t read the comments. I assume they’re all positive, and my videos have never been Flagged.
Frank: All right, so is this another video of you dancing with your cat?
Melissa: No, my cat and I are dancing And singing. That’s why we’re both going to be The next big thing.
Frank: Right, I’ll get in line right now to buy tickets to your Upcoming Vegas show.
One's man meat is another man's poison перевод.
Биография шерлока холмса на английском языке.
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