Romero: Are you going to tell Amber that she can’t have Saturday Off of work or should I?
Alice: You’d better tell her. I don’t think she’s going To take it well.
Romero: I’ll do it, but I’m not looking forward to it. She can be really Immature when she doesn’t get what she wants.
Alice: Yeah, that’s why I don’t like working with her. If things don’t Go her way, she Pouts and Whines. I don’t know why they don’t fire her.
Romero: I think she’s just a little Inexperienced. This is her first job, after all. Some of her behavior is pretty Childish, but when she’s not Kicking up a fuss or Moaning about something, she does good work.
Alice: That’s like saying somebody is a good worker when they’re not Napping!
Romero: She’s not that bad, but we do have To look past some Juvenile antics when our employees are so young.
Alice: Yeah, too bad we can’t have Seniors selling to Teenagers.
Romero: I think that would Open a whole different can of worms!
I have a dream to be a doctor перевод.
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