Melinda: Ta da! I’m finally done with my Portfolio. Do you want to see it?
Chad: Sure. This portfolio has Samples of your work, right?
Melinda: It does, but it’s much more than that. It’s a presentation of the Highlights of my career, with examples of my Groundbreaking work.
Chad: Uh, okay, if you say so.
Melinda: Let me show you. The first page is a Fact sheet of my major Accomplishments, Clients, jobs, and Awards. That’s followed by a more detailed Resume. And then, there are some samples of my best work, and finally, there are Testimonials from Satisfied clients.
Chad: But this is still A work in progress, right?
Melinda: What do you mean?
Chad: Well, your fact sheet is a half a page long. There are two samples of your work, and there are no testimonials, just a Blank page.
Melinda: I admit that it’s a little Thin right now, but what do you expect? I just started working in the field six months ago. This portfolio shows that there is Room for growth.
Chad: Yeah, Plenty of room.
Топики по английскому по виды спорта.
Topic tourism.
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Preparing a Professional Portfolio