Nancy: Hello there! Hello!
Eric: Hello.
Nancy: I’m Nancy, your Neighbor across the street. You’re new to the neighborhood.
Eric: Yes, I just moved in last weekend.
Nancy: That’s nice. How are you Settling in?
Eric: Fine, thanks.
Nancy: Would you like to come over and have a cup of coffee? I can give you The scoop on the neighborhood and give you some tips on places to go and things to do in this area.
Eric: Thanks, but I’m kind of busy right now. I’ll Take a rain check.
Nancy: No problem. Stop by anytime. We have quite a few social events in the area that you might be interested in.
Eric: I’m not much of a Joiner. I tend To keep to myself.
Nancy: Oh, but we couldn’t let you do that. I’m Appointing myself your new Social secretary. As a new Resident in a small town, you should know that everyone will want to meet you. You’ll be Inundated with invitations. I can help you Sort them out.
Eric: I appreciate your offer, but if I have To fend off neighbors, I’ll do it myself.
Nancy: Well, suit yourself. I don’t recommend Turning down too many invitations or you’ll get a Reputation for being a Recluse.
Eric: That’s okay with me. I’d rather not be the subject of talk among the Busybodies.
Nancy: Busybodies! Well, Some people!
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Meeting a New Neighbor