Pam: You wanted to see me?
Ed: Yes, I did. Have a seat. I want to talk to you about the Pulsen project.
Pam: I know I’m a little late in getting that report to you, but I’ve been Pulling out the stops to get it done.
Ed: But it’s still not done, is it? You know that the Deadline for the next Milestone of the project was this past Monday.
Pam: Yes, I know, but the Scope of the project Turned out to be a lot bigger than I had Anticipated. And, they just didn’t Allocate enough Resources for something this size. Is there any way we can Push back the deadline by a week?
Ed: The time to ask that was last week, not after you’ve Missed the deadline. I have the management Breathing down my neck about this report. I’ve tried To stall Them for the past two days and they’re not happy.
Pam: I promise to have it on your desk by tomorrow morning. You have my word.
Ed: All right. I’ll give you until 9:00 a. m. tomorrow. I’m tired of Taking the heat, though, and I don’t plan to do it any longer.
Pam: You can Count on me.
Ed: Don’t Let me down.
Pam: I won’t.
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Meeting a Deadline