Judith: Ahh! Get it off me!
Murad: It’s just a tiny Spider. Don’t Freak out.
Judith: I hate spiders. What is this place you’ve brought me to?
Murad: It’s one of the most beautiful spots in the world and we’ll be staying here tonight.
Judith: You mean we’ll be Roughing it in this Cabin? Is that a Cockroach that just ran across the floor?
Murad: Maybe. In this place, you’ll see some of the most amazing things. It’s the Next best thing to sleeping In the open.
Judith: Great. Can you close that window? There are Flies and Moths everywhere, and I think those were Bees and Wasps just outside the door.
Murad: They won’t bother you if you don’t bother them. Listen to that! We can fall asleep to the sound of Crickets.
Judith: Ouch! I think I’ve just been bitten by a giant Mosquito.
Murad: You’re imagining things. Look at those Butterflies just outside the window. Don’t you think they’re beautiful?
Judith: Do you know what would look beautiful to me right now? A really big Mosquito net!
Топик computer in our life.
Диалог о работе на английском языке с переводом.
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Living With Insects and Spiders