Carla: It’s Freezing in here! Why is the Air conditioner on?
Trent: I just finished exercising and I’m Sweating like a pig.
Carla: That’s no reason to turn the A/C on Full blast! I’m cold. I’m turning on the Heat for a little while.
Trent: Are you crazy? It’s 70 Degrees outside!
Carla: I’m no crazier than you are. How come you can turn on the A/C and I can’t turn on the heat?
Trent: I only turned on the A/C because it’s so Humid outside, and it was taking a long time for me To cool down. If you’re cold, just open the windows and doors, and we’ll get some Ventilation in here. It’ll Heat up again pretty quickly.
Carla: What should I do In the meantime? Put on my winter coat or Crawl under the Covers?
Trent: Go sit outside. I’ll get myself a glass of iced tea and I’ll get you a cup of hot tea. How does that sound?
Carla: Leave it to you to come up with the best idea of the day!
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Heating and Cooling a Home