Being a Stay-at-Home Dad

Gladys: Hi, Dan. I’m surprised to see you here at the supermarket in the middle of the day.

Dan: Why?

Gladys: I thought you’d be working.

Dan: I am working. I’m a Stay-at-home dad and I take care of the kids while my wife goes to work.

Gladys: Oh, did you get Laid off from your job?

Dan: No, my wife works Full-time out of the house and I work full-time at home.

Gladys: You mean that your wife is the Breadwinner and you’re a Househusband?

Dan: If you want To put it that way, yes. I’m the Caretaker for the kids during the day and I do the Household chores.

Gladys: Oh, your wife must be a Feminist.

Dan: No, my wife is just a modern woman with modern Sensibilities.

Gladys: Well, I know that some families like to live Radical lifestyles these days, Changing up gender roles.

Dan: We don’t think of it as radical. In fact, it’s quite common Nowadays.

Gladys: if you say so. Tell your wife I’d be happy to share my Recipes with her when you go back to work and she’s a housewife again.

Dan: [sigh]

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Being a Stay-at-Home Dad