German Corporate Culture — Немецкая корпоративная культура

German Corporate Culture differs from Anglo-American Corporate Culture significantly. The main difference is that the controlling and managing functions are divided between two branches of authorities. So the management system consists of 2 parts: the Supervision Council and the Governance Cabinet.

In German Corporate Culture control share holding is concentrated in the hands of wealthy and stable bankers and company partners, but the share market plays only supportive part. Shareholders play the main and deciding part in strategic planning of company`s affairs. So the German Corporate Culture is mainly aimed at balancing financial interests of shareholders and mutual responsibility. German Corporate Culture is believed to be the most stable corporate culture and the most respectable one.

Due to these facts German companies have high authority and attract various investments. They are considered being the most stable. The point of tolerance towards uncertainty in those companies is very law and managers try not to take any risks at all but the worker as well as managers find it next to impossible to adjust to any new situation no matter whether it is complicated or not. In such kinds of situations people get a lot of stress. German Corporate Culture is mostly conservative than flexible.

German Corporate Culture is also aimed at the part of the worker in the «Corporate Machine.» It aspires to be as rational and accurate as it is possible. Procedures and rules, clearly formulated instructions are in the center of the Universe. The workers are bothered by following all the rules without any exceptions, they are totally responsible for the work thehave done but they also need some freedom of actions. Hierarchy and social status are also vital. The workers build their careers in precisely certain career ways without exceptions. Stability and respectability are of the same weigh as competiveness. But the system can`t be adapted to radical changes as there is no flexibility.

Jan Harms called German Corporate Culture the Role Culture (RC) and imagined it in the shape of ancient Greek temple. Ch. Handy affirmed that the might of this culture is based on the work of functional departments and sections — the columns.

The information isn`t handled from one column to another but straight from one level to another via the columns. So the information achieves the top via the columns. Logics and rationalism predominate in this culture. The support of work overweighs flexibility. But we shouldn`t forget that ancient Greek temples are not stable during earthquakes so this system isn`t reliable during unstable times

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German Corporate Culture — Немецкая корпоративная культура