Rumi: I’m as Sick as a dog!
Hugo: It serves you right. I Warned you not to eat food sold by Food vendors on the street. Cleanliness is not a priority at some of those food Stands.
Rumi: I’m not one To turn up my nose up at street food. On the street is where you’ll find the most Authentic food, the food the locals eat. And plus, I have a Stomach of steel.
Hugo: You Had a stomach of steel, and there’s no way To guard against undercooked or Contaminated food.
Rumi: Okay, you’re right.
Hugo: It’ll probably take days for whatever it is that’s making you sick To work itself out of your system. Some vacation!
Rumi: Just be grateful you’re not Puking your guts out like I am.
Hugo: Believe me, I’m Thanking my lucky stars.
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