Lisa: Can you tell me if this is the right Platform for the Train to Arlington?
Omar: Yes, it is. Is this your first time taking the train?
Lisa: Is it that Obvious?
Omar: No, you just look a little lost.
Lisa: I’m starting a new job and I have To commute to work for the first time.
Omar: Oh, I see. Did you buy a ticket at the Ticket machine?
Lisa: Yes, I did, when I entered the Station. I hope I bought the right one.
Omar: Let me see. Yes, that’s the right one. The good news is that I haven’t heard any Announcements about the train being Delayed, like it has been a couple of times this week, so it should be On time.
Lisa: I’m relieved to hear that. I can’t afford to be late to work on my first day. Will I need to show this ticket to get on the train?
Omar: Not when you get on. After the train is Under way, the Conductor will walk down the Aisle To collect it.
Lisa: Oh, I see, thanks. That sounds simple.
Omar: It is simple if you can actually find a seat. It can be pretty Crowded on these commuter trains. Sometimes it’s Standing room only.
Lisa: Let’s hope for the best.
Omar: Stick with me. I’ll Elbow a few people out of the way to get you a seat.
Lisa: [laughs] Thanks, I think.
Диалог мой лучший друг на английском.
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Commuting by Train