Best riddles part 5

Where can you buy a ruler that is 3 feet long?

Ответ: At a yard sale.

How many times can you subtract 6 from 30?

Ответ: Only once, after that it is no longer 30.


What number can you subtract half from to obtain a result that is zero?

Ответ: The number 8 — made up of 2 zeros one on top of the other.


How can half of 12 be 7?

Ответ: When the 12 is a Roman numeral — XII. Cut off the top half and you get VII.


How many 9’s are there between 1 and 100?

Ответ: 20.


If one nickel is worth five cents, how much is half of one half of a nickel worth?

Ответ: 0.0125.


Which is more valuable — one pound of $10 gold coins or half a pound of $20 gold coins?

Ответ: The pound of $10 coins has twice the amount of gold than the $20 coins.


A woman has 5 children and half of them are male? How can this be?

Ответ: Only if the other half is male, too.


How many cookies can you eat on an empty stomach?

Ответ: Only one, then your stomach is no longer empty.


It happens once in a minute, twice in a week, and once in a year? What is it?

Ответ: The letter e.


What has 4 legs and only 1 foot?

Ответ: A bed.


A street that is 30 yards long has a tree every 6 yards on both sides. How many total trees on the entire street?

Ответ: 12 — six per side.


What goes up and never comes down?

Ответ: Your age.


When things go wrong, what can you always count on?

Ответ: Your fingers.


What did Washington become after his 10th year?

Ответ: He became eleven.


Why are diapers like 100 dollar bills?

Ответ: Because you have to change them.


What did one math book say to the other math book?

Ответ: Wow, have I got problems.


Which is correct: nine plus five is thirteen OR nine plus five are thirteen?

Ответ: Neither, nine plus five is fourteen.


What trees come in two’s?

Ответ: Pear (pair) trees.


What is a kitten after it is 7 months old?

Ответ: Eight months old.


What is the difference between a stupid person’s ears?

Ответ: Nothing.


What is alive and has only 1 foot?

Ответ: A leg.


Why is the longest human nose on record only 11 inches long?

Ответ: Because if it were twelve inches, it would be a foot.


When a man faints, what number will restore him?

Ответ: You must bring him 2.


Which number is greater — six dozen dozen or half a dozen dozen?

Ответ: Six dozen dozen (864) as half a dozen dozen is 72.


When do 2 and 2 make more than 4?

Ответ: When they make 22.


If 2 is company and 3 is a crowd, what are 4 and 5?

Ответ: 9.


Why is 2 times 10 the same as 2 times 11?

Ответ: Because 2 times 10 is twenty and 2 times 11 is twenty-two (twenty, too).


How many times may 20 be subtracted from 100?

Ответ: Only once; any further subtraction would be from a smaller number each time.


If I dig a hole 2 feet square and 2 feet deep, how much dirt is in the hole?

Ответ: None.


Make five less by adding to it

Ответ: Add the Roman numeral I (one) to V (five) and you get IV (four).


Behead forty and leave fifty

Ответ: Roman numerals again! Take X (10) from XL (forty) and you get L (fifty).


What has 100 legs but cannot walk?

Ответ: 50 pairs of pants.


What is the difference between 100 and 1000?

Ответ: Zero (100 has 2 zero’s, 1000 has 3 zero’s, a difference of 1 zero or ‘zero’).


How long will an 8 day clock run without winding?

Ответ: It won’t run if you don’t wind it.


What has 3 feet, but no legs?

Ответ: A yardstick.


If a man gives one son fifteen cents and another ten cents, what time would it be?

Ответ: A quarter to two.


A farmer combined 2 compost heaps with 3 others. How many compost heaps does he have?

Ответ: One.


Take ten from nine and leave only yourself

Ответ: From the Roman number IX, take away the X and I is left.


What would you add to nine to make six?

Ответ: The letter S would be added to IX and then you would have SIX.


Why is the number 9 like a peacock?

Ответ: Because it is nothing without its tail.


Take 2 letters from a 5 letter word and have one left

Ответ: Take off the letters ‘st’ from ‘stone’ and ‘one’ is left.


What is the longest sentence in the world?

Ответ: Go to prison for life.


What has 4 legs and flies? (Hint: it’s not a dead horse!)

Ответ: 2 pairs of pants.


From nineteen take one and leave twenty

Ответ: Take I from XIX and you will have XX.


Prove that two thirds of 6 is 9

Ответ: Two thirds of SIX (IX) is Roman # IX.


If a ton of coal cost $6.50, what will a cord of firewood come to?

Ответ: Ashes.


If butter is 50 cents a pound in Chicago, what are windowpanes in Detroit?

Ответ: Usually glass.


Which is better, an old five-dollar bill or a new one?

Ответ: A 5 dollar bill is worth more than a 1 dollar bill.


A brick weighs a pound and half a brick. How many pounds do two bricks weigh?

Ответ: 2 bricks weigh 2 lbs. and a whole brick, therefore 2 bricks weigh 4 lbs.


How many people do you think need to be in a room before there is a fifty/fifty chance that two of them will have the same birthday?

Ответ: Only 23.


What digits do you get if you use a calculator to divide 100 by 81?

Ответ: 1234567890.


Which American has had the largest number of children?

Ответ: George Washington, the father of our country.


What is as large as a barn, yet completely weightless?

Ответ: The shadow of the barn.


What coin doubles in value when half is deducted?

Ответ: A half dollar. (deduct the word half and you have a dollar).


What is the largest fly swatter?

Ответ: A baseball bat.


What dog is 100 years old?

Ответ: A sentry (century) dog.


What fish has the lowest voice?

Ответ: A bass.


What kind of house weighs the least?

Ответ: A lighthouse.


Where can you find the largest diamond in the world?

Ответ: On the baseball field.


How did the 800 pound man feel when he lost 250 pounds?

Ответ: Delighted.


Why did the student take his math book to the school nurse?

Ответ: Because the book had so many problems.


Why does the mathematician love a calculator?

Ответ: 21; draw it and count them.


What number gets larger when it is turned upside down?

Ответ: The number 6.


What is the easiest way to double your money?

Ответ: Fold it in half.


What is the difference between a new penny and an old quarter?

Ответ: 24 cents.


What animals are best in math?

Ответ: Rabbits, they multiply easily.


Why is a dollar smarter than a quarter?

Ответ: A dollar has more cents.


Seven is an odd number. How can it be made even?

Ответ: Take off the letter S.


I walk into a room where there are 10 people in who are 20 years old 10 who are 19, 10 who are 18 and 10 who are 30. How many people are there in the room?

Ответ: 41.


FOUR is HALF of FIVE. Is this statement True or False?

Ответ: It’s True. The Roman Numeral FOUR (IV) is in the middle of the word Five: F(IV)E.


The following number is the only one of its kind. 8,549,176,320 Can you figure out what is so special about it?

Ответ: It’s the only number that has all the digits arranged in alphabetical order.


If you wrote all of the numbers from 300 to 400 on a piece of paper, how many times would you have written the number 3?

Ответ: 120.


What has 18 legs and catches flies?

Ответ: A baseball team.


What has 4 legs and flies?

Ответ: A picnic table.


When will a mathematician die?

Ответ: When his number is up.


If you can buy eight eggs for 26 cents, how many can you buy for a cent and a quarter?

Ответ: 8.


If a basketball team was chasing a baseball team, what time would it be?

Ответ: 5 after 9.


Why should you never mention the number 288 in front of anyone?

Ответ: Because it is too gross — 2 times 144 which is a gross.

How long did the Hundred Years War last?

Ответ: 116 years, from 1337 to 1453.


What is too much for one, enough for two, but nothing at all for three?

Ответ: A secret.


How is seasickness like an auction?

Ответ: One is the effects of a sail and the other is a sale of effects.


What is the difference between the teacher and a cashier?

Ответ: One tills the mind and the other minds the till.


What do men want the least on their hands?

Ответ: Handcuffs.


If you were pushed down a flight of stairs, what would you fall against?

Ответ: You would fall against your will.

Born at the same time as the world, destined to live as long as the world, and yet never five weeks old. What is it?

Ответ: The moon.


This you should always keep — no one else wants it

Ответ: Your temper.


When is it easiest to see through a man?

Ответ: When he has a pane (pain) in his stomach.


What is the end to which we all like to come?

Ответ: Dividend.


It wasn’t my sister, nor my brother, but still was the child of my father and mother. Who was it?

Ответ: The person speaking.


Which country makes panama hats?

Ответ: Ecuador.


What can be measured, but has no length, width or height?

Ответ: The temperature.


Why is the world like a faulty jig saw puzzle?

Ответ: Because peace is missing.


What do you break by saying just one word?

Ответ: Silence.


What flies when it’s on and floats when it’s off?

Ответ: A feather.


What has a big mouth, yet never speaks?

Ответ: A jar.


What question can you never answer \yes\ to?

Ответ: Are you asleep?


How can you tell the difference between two trees?

Ответ: Listen to their barks.


What can’t you see that is always before you?

Ответ: The future.


Belarus on the international arena.
In order значение.

Best riddles part 5