Connie: I just got a call from Ron’s Agent. He’s In hot water again.
Walt: Not again! What did he Get up to now?
Connie: He got into another fight outside of a bar, and he’s in Police custody right now Cooling his heels. I don’t know what he was thinking.
Walt: It’s the Off-season, so I can understand him wanting To blow off some steam. But doesn’t he realize what he’s doing to his Image and Reputation?
Connie: THey don’t call him the bad boy of basketball for nothing. I guess it’s our job to do some Damage control.
Walt: Yeah, and fast. Once the Press gets a hold of This, they’ll Have a field day.
Connie: It’s going to be a long night.
Walt: Not as long as Ron’s.
Connie: Serves him right!
Children and their. Hobbies.
Sights of london перевод.
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