Discussing Social Class

Hector: Can you believe James? All evening, he tried to tell me how this country would be better if we had no Social classes. He’s out of his mind. Sophia: He was just trying To get a rise out of you. We all know that the two of you don’t See eye to eye. Hector: … Читать далее

Riding in a Limousine

Mandy: Whoo! Whoo! Theo: Hey, get down from there. You shouldn’t be sticking your head out of the Sunroof. Mandy: I just wanted to get some air. This Stretch limo is amazing. Theo: Well, I thought I’d rent one and take you to the Prom in style. Mandy: This is The height of luxury. You’ve … Читать далее

A Mid-life Crisis

Bella: I think my husband is going through a Mid-life crisis. Russell: What makes you think that? Bella: He just Traded in his car for a very expensive Sports car, and he’s filling the house with Gym equipment. Russell: Uh oh, that’s a bad Sign. Do you know what may have Triggered this? Bella: I’m … Читать далее

Improving Online Reviews

Jerrise: Okay, you were right. We need to do something to improve business. Do you think we should Take out an ad in the local newspaper? Russell: We could do that, but I think a better strategy is to improve our Online reviews. Jerrise: Who looks at websites with Unsolicited reviews? I’m not convinced that’ll … Читать далее

Training Salespeople

Our company brought in a Consultant to do Sales training for our store. For some reason, we’d been getting some Complaints from customers. Consultant: My job in this training is to help your store improve its Customer satisfaction, so that it can attract and Retain more customers. When you Interact with customers, you Represent this … Читать далее

Reading Poor Handwriting

Lily: Can you Make out what this says? Hassan: Geez, who wrote that? Lily: My doctor. She wrote down some instructions for me, but I can’t read her Handwriting. Hassan: I have no idea what that Chicken scratch says. Lily: I think that’s a “T,” but maybe it’s an “F.” Hassan: Face it. Those Scribbles … Читать далее

Serving on a Jury

Samantha: How was your first day on a Jury? Jinho: It was okay. The Judge swore us in and then we listened to the beginning of the Prosecutor’s case. Two Witnesses testified. Samantha: That sounds exciting! I’d love to be on a jury. Why didn’t they Sequester you? That’s what they do on TV. Jinho: … Читать далее

Roles Within a Family

Larissa: I’m really nervous about meeting your family. Vince: You don’t need to be. They’ll love you and you’ll Fit right in. Larissa: Okay, but I want to make sure I know everyone I’ll be meeting. Your Grandmother Celine is the Matriarch of the family and your Uncle Nick is the Black sheep of the … Читать далее

Getting a Massage

Robert: Why are you Twisting your back like that? Staci: I’m in pain. My back and shoulders really hurt. I think it’s from sitting at this computer all the time. Robert: What you need is a good Massage. It can get rid of the Knots in your Muscles and get you some Pain relief. Staci: … Читать далее

Dealing with Bureaucracy

Jogi: I knew when we got this government Contract that it would be a Two-edged sword. Deborah: How so? Jogi: I’m grateful for the work, but having To jump through hoops of the government’s Bureaucracy has me Pulling my hair out. Deborah: What’s wrong now? Jogi: You know that all of our documents have to … Читать далее

Store Promotions and Giveaways

Sonia: What is all this? Paul: These are Entry forms and materials for our new store Promotions and Giveaways. Sonia: What Prizes can people Win? Paul: There are different kinds, because we’re running several promotions at once. We have Scratch-off cards to win Instant prizes, including t-shirts. Sonia: Those t-shirts are really nice. I’d like … Читать далее

Talking About Attractive Men and Women

Pamela: You know that your tongue is hanging out of your mouth, right? David: That’s because I’ve never seen so many beautiful women in one place before. Why have I never been to this beach before? Look at her! She’s a Hottie! Pamela: Isn’t that what you said about that woman over there? David: No, … Читать далее

Scheduling an Appointment

Ann: Hello. Serge: Hi, Ann. It’s Serge. I’m calling To make an appointment for LeeAnn. She wants to meet with Miles next week sometime. Ann: Let me take a look at his Appointment schedule. Let’s see, can LeeAnn be here on Tuesday at 2:00? Serge: No, she’s Tied up all Tuesday afternoon, but I could … Читать далее

Feeling Disillusioned

Daniela: I did it. I finally met Mandy Timpkin. Tony: Mandy Timpkin, your Idol? Daniela: Yeah, I stood in line for two days at her Book signing and finally met her. It was a big Disappointment. Tony: Really? I thought she Could do no wrong, As far as you’re concerned. Daniela: Well, that was before … Читать далее

A Potential Partnership Meeting

Flavio: Thanks for meeting with me. Marcia: It’s my pleasure. We’re eager to hear your ideas about our companies doing business together in the future. Flavio: Well, I wanted us to meet because I think our two companies can create great Synergy. Marcia: I agree. What do you Have in mind? Flavio: We seem to … Читать далее

Taking Someone for Granted

Phil: Did you hear that Melissa has finally Left Eric? It’s about time! Cameron: Oh, that’s sad. It’s always sad when two people can’t Make it work. Phil: Well, it wasn’t For a lack of trying, On Melissa’s part. She Bent over backwards trying To please Eric and he always Took her for granted. If … Читать далее

Asking for Directions

I went to Vancouver for a meeting this week. I have always liked Vancouver, and On top of that, my cousin Dominick just moved there. I Got in touch with him and he Invited me over to see his new Place. On the way over, though, I Got a little Lost. I knew I was … Читать далее

Packing Clothes for a Trip

Nick: Aren’t you done Packing yet? We need to leave for the airport in 15 minutes. Mariah: I’m almost done. I just need to finish packing my Garment bag. Nick: You’re bringing a garment bag? What for? Mariah: For my dresses, of course. I don’t want them to get Wrinkles in them. I have a … Читать далее

Celebrity Product Lines

Nick: The Possibilities are endless! You have to take advantage of being At the height of your career. Jessica: I don’t know about Lending my name to a Celebrity product line. Wouldn’t people think I was Selling out? Nick: Of course not. Most celebrities do it nowadays. People expect you To leverage your fame into … Читать далее

Talking About Astronomy

Dad: What are you working on, Honey? Mariko: It’s a Project for school about the Earth and its place in the Universe. I have to write a Report and build a Model of what scientists can see with a Telescope in Space. Dad: I can help you with that. I was always good in science, … Читать далее

Being a Self-Made Man/Woman

Edgar: What a Crock! Ann: What is it? Edgar: I’m reading an article about successful business people who were Self-made men and women. I don’t believe a word of it. Ann: What don’t you believe? Edgar: These people didn’t Pull themselves up by their bootstraps. They were all Born with silver spoons in their mouths. … Читать далее

Dating a Friend’s Ex

Fareed: Where are you going? Amber: I’m going to meet Peter. Fareed: When are you going to tell Lily? Amber: Tell her what? Fareed: You know what – that you’re dating her Ex. She’s not going To take it well. Amber: I don’t know why she would Object. They Broke up over a year ago … Читать далее

Dietary Restrictions and Preferences

Tony: Who did you Invite over for dinner Saturday? Carmela: I invited Keith, Sung, Stephanie, and Luis. Tony: You didn’t! Carmela: I did. Why? Tony: You’re going to have a hard time cooking for them. Keith is a Vegan and only eats food that’s Organic. Sung is Lactose intolerant and his doctor put him on … Читать далее

Buying Tools at a Hardware Store

Chuck: Just remember that we have a lot to accomplish today, so let’s just get what we need and go, okay? Ayaka: Sure, we just need a few tools for our DIY project. The Power tools are over there. Chuck: Whoa, we’re not getting power tools. We just need a few simple Hand tools: a … Читать далее

Types of Meetings

Susanna: All right, then. This meeting is over. We’ll meet again next week for a Status update. Juan: Hey, do you have a few minutes to talk about tomorrow’s Teleconference? Susanna: Sorry, I’ve got to run. I’m late for my department’s weekly Brainstorming session. Can it wait? Juan: Sure, how about a Lunch meeting? Susanna: … Читать далее

Buying Computer Accessories

Ginger: It’s really nice of you to come with me to buy my computer. This is the Desktop I’m thinking about. Kevin: This is okay, but if I were you, I’d buy a Laptop. It’s more Versatile. You can travel with it. Ginger: I’m not sure about getting a laptop. The Screen is so small. … Читать далее

Getting and Making Threats

Ruth: I’m really glad you’re getting so much support from the public. Look at all of these bags of Fan mail. Carl: Only about half of that is fan mail. The rest is Hate mail. Ruth: Hate mail? Who would send you hate mail? Carl: Lots of people. People who are Disgruntled write to me … Читать далее