Scheduling an Appointment
Ann: Hello.
Serge: Hi, Ann. It’s Serge. I’m calling To make an appointment for LeeAnn. She wants to meet with Miles next week sometime.
Ann: Let me take a look at his Appointment schedule. Let’s see, can LeeAnn be here on Tuesday at 2:00?
Serge: No, she’s Tied up all Tuesday afternoon, but I could Shuffle around some of her Commitments to free her up on Tuesday morning, if that helps.
Ann: Unfortunately, Tuesday morning Is out. I could Bump someone on Wednesday afternoon at 3:00. Can LeeAnn be here at that time?
Serge: She has an appointment at 2:30 in this office, but it shouldn’t Last more than a half hour. She should be able to make it by 3:00 if she’s not Running late. Better yet, I may be able To finagle something, maybe Push back that appointment until she gets back to the office. Why don’t you Pencil her in for now?
Ann: Okay, I’ll do that, but can you Confirm with me by Monday?
Serge: Sure, I’ll give you a Heads up no later than noon on Monday if I can’t push back her other appointment.
Ann: Okay, sounds good. Tell me, do you ever feel like we’re Spinning our wheels, spending our days making, changing, and canceling appointments?
Serge: Yeah, Every single day!
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