Irene: How is your team doing in the Standings?
Kent: They’re Seeded sixth and they’re In a bracket with one of the best teams in the Tournament. Our team has already lost to them.
Irene: I thought it was a Double-elimination tournament.
Kent: It is. That’s the only reason they’re not Out of contention for the Title.
Irene: Why did the organizers get rid of the Round-robin rounds?
Kent: I think it’s because they wanted to cut down on the number of games overall. I’m not sure.
Irene: Your team is the Defending champion. What happened this year? Why aren’t they Ranked higher?
Kent: They didn’t have a very good Season. There were a lot of Injuries, and as the coach, I had some run ins with a couple of the new players. Let’s just say we had some Clashes in personality.
Irene: Isn’t there a game this afternoon?
Kent: Yeah, but I have to feed my team first. They won’t play until they get what they want.
Irene: What do they want?
Kent: Ice cream. Who knew six-year-olds could be so Demanding?
Топик по английскому достопримечательности москвы.
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