Listening to a Political Speech

Kylie: Can you understand a word he’s saying?

Ramis: I doubt if anyone can. He’s Talking out of both sides of his mouth. First he says he’s Fighting for the little guy, and then he says he’s a Champion for businesses.

Kylie: I thought he’d be different, but he’s just like any other Politician.

Ramis: He looks Sincere and he sounds sincere, but when you actually listen to what he says, it’s nothing but Double-talk.

Kylie: You’ve got that right. I Wouldn’t trust him any farther than I could throw him. Now what is he saying?

Ramis: He says that he can Cut taxes and increase government services. Now how do you suppose he could Pull that off?

Kylie: He can’t. These are just Campaign promises. Once he gets into office, he’ll Renege on every one of those promises.

Ramis: Year after year it’s the same thing – broken promises and the Same old same old. Why do we Put up with it?

Kylie: Why? I have an answer for you. Do you want To run for office?

Ramis: Me?! Are you kidding? Not on your life.

Kylie: Right. That’s how I feel. I’m willing To sit back and let somebody else do the job. I guess we’ve Dug our own graves.

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Listening to a Political Speech