Paulina: Did you get your Social Security statement? I just got mine in the mail. If I keep working at this rate for the next 20 years, between Social Security and my Savings, I should be Sitting pretty for Retirement.
Carlos: Yeah, I should be okay when I retire, too. I’ve been contributing to a 401(k) through my work for years, and my company gives a Matching contribution.
Paulina: Really? I never bothered with a 401(k).
Carlos: A 401(k) really Adds up over time. I also have an IRA, which is Tax-deferred, and I have my money in a Portfolio that is Split between Stocks and Bonds. All of these investments are for the Long haul, of course. How about you? What’s your retirement plan?
Paulina: I have money Stashed away in a nice little Nest egg.
Carlos: Where do you have your money Invested?
Paulina: It’s Safe and sound, don’t you worry.
Carlos: [Laughs] You make it sound like you have it stashed under your mattress.
Paulina: A mattress is a very safe place for your money!
Моя биография на английском.
Мое любимое блюдо.
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Planning for Retirement