Participating in a Clinical Trial

Lucinda: You look tired. Are you all right?

Elan: I’m fine. It’s this Clinical trial I’m Enrolled in. I’m Suffering from some Side effects.

Lucinda: Are they serious?

Elan: No, they’re not too bad. I was told to expect some Adverse reactions in the first weeks of the Pilot study. I guess that’s why only a small group of Volunteers is Taking part right now. It’s so they can judge the Drug’s effectiveness before the Pharmaceutical company does a Large-scale trial.

Lucinda: At least you know you’re not in the group getting a Placebo.

Elan: Who knows? I hope not. If I successfully get through this first Phase, I’ll get a full Dose of the drug in phase two.

Lucinda: Then you may Once and for all be rid of Podcaster’s Disease.

Elan: I really hope so. No one should go through life sounding like a podcaster.

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Participating in a Clinical Trial