В топике Мой рабочий День (3) я рассказываю, как обычно проходит мой день. Мы встаем в 6 часов утра, завтракаем, выгуливаем и кормим собаку и отправляемся на работу. Я подвожу Марту до работы, затем еду в институт, паркую машину и отправляюсь в офис, где работаю до 4:30 дня, затем возвращаюсь, вместе с Мартой, домой. Вечером мы стараемся отдохнуть, посмотреть телевизор или послушать музыку. В выходные дни мы занимаемся своим домом, учимся, проводим время с друзьями или родственниками, или идем на концерт.
A typical day goes something like this. We get up around 6 a. m., wash, have some coffee and toast, let the dog outside and feed him, bring the dog back in and leave for work. I drop Martha off at her job around 7:15 a. m. and then I drive to the University (from our house to her work is about three miles, from her work to the University is another three).
I park the car and get to my office by 7:45 a. m. Then I check my schedule and start to work. Around 11:30 a. m. we break for lunch. I usually eat at the student union with co-worker or other students. Then back to work.
I usually leave for the day at 4:30 p. m. I pick Martha up at her job and we are back home by 5:30 p. m. After changing into more comfortable clothes, we turn on the television to watch the news while we prepare dinner. After dinner, we may study, go shopping, or just relax and watch television, or listen to music.
Saturdays are a bit different. We often sleep late, until 9:00 a. m. or even a bit later. Once or twice a month we may go out for breakfast at a local restaurant. The rest of the day is spent working on the house, studying, or running errands. Saturday evening is often spent with friends or family members, typically over dinner, or we go to a concert.
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Topic favourite season.
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