Jimmy: My cousin Sal said that he Put in an application for a job here.
Suzanne: Yeah, that’s right.
Jimmy: Well?
Suzanne: Well, what?
Jimmy: Are you going To hire him?
Suzanne: I’m not sure. He doesn’t have any experience and he didn’t provide any References.
Jimmy: I can Vouch for him. Sal is Solid. He’s a really nice guy.
Suzanne: I appreciate you Putting in a good word for him, but I need more Assurance than that he’s a nice guy. He needs to have the Temperament, Work ethic, and skills for this job.
Jimmy: What he doesn’t know he’ll learn On the job. He’s a Quick study.
Suzanne: How can I Justify hiring someone with no experience, while Passing up applicants who are better Qualified?
Jimmy: He has my Ringing endorsement. What else do you need? He’ll work as hard as I do.
Suzanne: That’s exactly what I’m afraid of.
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