Camile: That is a really good idea.
Nathan: Thanks, but there’s no way I can get past all of the Gatekeepers in this company To get access to the president. He’s the only one who can Green-light a project like this.
Camile: Can’t you present it to your boss first?
Nathan: If I bring the idea to my Immediate supervisor, she’ll either Take it over or Nix it.
Camile: What you need to do is To get the ear of one of his Advisors and Do an end-run around the other managers.
Nathan: I’m not sure how I can do that. I don’t know any of the advisors in the president’s Inner circle. We don’t exactly Travel in the same circles, you know.
Camile: How’s your Jump shot?
Nathan: Why do you ask?
Camile: My cousin works at the same gym where that the company president goes to exercise. Sometimes he likes to play a game of Pick-up basketball, often One-on-one. If you got a call from my cousin when he’s there, you might be able to be get there quickly and be in The right place at the right time.
Nathan: You mean Talk business on the Courts?
Camile: Sure, isn’t that how real deals get made?
Nathan: You might have an idea there.
Camile: Yes, but one piece of advice: Let him win!
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