Laurent: I’m Done with women! They’re Liars and Manipulators.
Julie: Let me guess. You’ve had a bad Breakup?
Laurent: It wasn’t just bad. It was Monumentally awful. I’m never going to date again.
Julie: You’re just feeling Bitter right now, but you’ll Get over it. You won’t always feel so Jaded. Wait a second. Did you break up with Brittany?
Laurent: Yeah, I’ve told you about her before.
Julie: I remember. Don’t you guys have an On-again, off-again relationship? I mean haven’t you guys broken up before?
Laurent: Yeah, but this was the Absolute end. We’re not Getting back together.
Julie: But didn’t you say that three months ago? Maybe there’s still a chance for Reconciliation.
Laurent: Absolutely not! Brittany Walked all over me and didn’t care one Iota about my feelings. I’ll never talk to her again. As far as I’m concerned, she’s Persona non grata!
[Phone rings]
Julie: Hello. Oh hi, Brittany. Yes, he’s here. It’s Brittany and she wants to talk to you. Do you want to talk to her?
Laurent: Yes…no…yes! Oh, give me that phone!
Моя учительница английского языка на английском.
One of my bad habits that i have.
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Expressing Bitter Feelings