Tony: Who did you Invite over for dinner Saturday?
Carmela: I invited Keith, Sung, Stephanie, and Luis.
Tony: You didn’t!
Carmela: I did. Why?
Tony: You’re going to have a hard time cooking for them. Keith is a Vegan and only eats food that’s Organic. Sung is Lactose intolerant and his doctor put him on a Low-salt diet.
Carmela: Really? I didn’t know. How do you know so much about their diets?
Tony: I went on a trip with them and I’ll never do it again. We could never agree on a restaurant.
Carmela: What about Stephanie and Luis?
Tony: Stephanie is a Health nut, and doesn’t eat anything with Saturated fat, Added sugar, or Artificial flavors. She also doesn’t eat Red meat. And Luis, he can only eat Gluten-free kosher foods.
Carmela: This is a disaster. How am I going to cook for all four of them?
Tony: Beats me. Maybe you can turn it into a Potluck. At least each of your guests will have one dish they can eat.
Carmela: I can’t invite my friends over for dinner and then tell them to bring their own food!
Tony: Well, you wanted a solution and Beggars can’t be choosers.
Carmela: You’re right. Desperate times call for desperate measures!
Great синонимы на английском.
Жизнь 50 лет назад английский.
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