Диалог на английском языке с переводом “How long does it take on foot”
Tina | Excuse me, officer. I’m lost. How do I get to the new shopping mall? |
Police officer | You’re pretty far from there. I hope you are not in a hurry. |
Tina | No, I ‘m just going to do some shopping. Which way should I go? |
Police officer | To get there, go straight for five blocks. Then turn left and walk about two blocks. It’s on the right. |
Tina | OK. How long does it take on foot? |
Police officer | Around 20 minutes. |
Tina | Thank you, sir. |
On foot – пешком
There’s no road to the lodge; we have to get there On foot.
До сторожки нет дороги, нам придется идти туда Пешком.
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