Describing Boring and Exciting Things
Ina: It was a great idea To split up to go see different movies. I really liked The McQuillanator!
Paco: I’m glad to hear it. You made a better choice than I did. The Biopic I saw was Mind-numbing. I was Bored to death!
Ina: Really? My movie was great. It was Action-packed and Fast-paced. I was On the edge of my seat from beginning to end.
Paco: I wish I had been. My movie moved at a Snail’s pace and what was supposed to be Dramatic was just Repetitive. I can’t believe I sat through that entire thing. I’m sure I Nodded off more than once.
Ina: That’s too bad. You should have Abandoned your theater and joined me in mine. I’m still feeling the Adrenaline rush.
Paco: Yeah, but instead I got a good Nap. What a waste of money!
Ina: Just consider it a good lesson learned.
Paco: What lesson?
Ina: Let me pick the movies. I know a good Bang for the buck!
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