Carson: What happened here?!
Samantha: As you can see, there was an accident. Early this morning, a man driving along this street Lost control of his car and ran into the front window of our store. Luckily, no one was hurt.
Carson: What are we going to do? We can’t open for business with this mess. There’s glass everywhere!
Samantha: I think the first thing to do is to call the Insurance company. We have Full coverage, so I’m sure we’re Insured against accidents of this kind. As long as our Policy hasn’t Lapsed and we’ve paid our Annual premiums, I don’t think we need to worry too much.
Carson: Not worry too much? But what if this is considered an Act of God and we’re not Covered?
Samantha: Believe me, this will be covered. When we call the insurance company, I’m sure they’ll tell you that.
Carson: Okay, but we can’t open for business. We have to get an Adjuster out here and it’ll take days-maybe weeks-for our Claim to be paid.
Samantha: That’s why we have Business interruption insurance. Don’t you remember we added that to the store’s policy last year after you were in the hospital for three weeks? We got it To guard against the store having to close temporarily and the business losing money. Let’s Get the ball rolling by calling the insurance company.
Carson: I forgot about the business interruption insurance. Thank goodness you’re here. What would I do without you?
Samantha: Just remember that the next time I ask for a Raise.
Carson: A raise? Oh, right. Come on. Let’s not sit here talking all day. We need to call the insurance company.
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Business Insurance