It was Saturday afternoon and I was shopping in the Garment district in downtown L. A. If you want to find good Deals on clothes, shoes, and Accessories, this is the place to come. To get the best deal, though, you have to be ready to bargain.
I walked by a Stall and saw a purse I liked. The owner had just finished Making a sale.
Lucy: Does this come in Any other colors?
Man: Yeah, we Have this one In white and blue. I also have this other style in green.
Lucy: How much is the blue one?
Man: It’s $32.
Lucy: $32? What about the green one?
Man: That’s $30.
Lucy: That seems a little high. Can you do better on the price?
Man: This is a designer bag and it’s good quality. It’s a Bargain at that price.
Lucy: Is that your best offer?
Man: That’s the best I can do.
Lucy: Well, I don’t know. I think I’ll Shop around.
Man: Okay, how about $28.
Lucy: That’s still more than I wanted to spend. What if I take the blue one and the green one?
Man: I’ll give you both of them for $55.
Lucy: That’s not much of a Break on the price. How about $50 for both?
Man: You drive a hard bargain. The best I can do is $54. You won’t find it cheaper anywhere else.
Lucy: Why don’t we Split the difference and make it $52?
Man: Okay, okay. You’ve got a deal.
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Bargaining with a Seller